I still have about a week’s worth of marriage-enhancing tips/advice to share as it is such an important topic it needs great attention and also because people are so different, every marriage will be different and so different advice or thoughts or ideas will relate to different people – so trust you will find something that impacts you and your marriage [or future marriage] strongly. This collection of thoughts really struck me as powerful and effective from an old friend and playing-cards-into-the-early-hours-of-the-morning buddy, Carolyn Hugo Misdorp:

Hi Brett,

I have a couple as 1 thing is too hard.

1. Make sure that you spend time on your own relationship with God – if you’re not continually receiving God’s unconditional love and seeing things from His perspective it is really hard to love your spouse unconditionally.

2. Keep short accounts and resolve things properly. We pray together every night before we go to bed, which forces us not to let issues last for long without being resolved, as it is impossible to pray together if we’re angry with each other or hurt.

3. Be grateful for the big and little things – a simple thank you communicates a huge amount to your spouse and shows them that you are aware of the effort they are making for you and your family.

4. Pray for each other often.

I think that’s all

(Married 11 years)

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