this is specifically aimed at those of you who do not attend/who are not a part of a church…

for those of you who don’t know i am busy writing a book about church and am looking for some more quotes – i have sent this request out before and got a pretty decent response and am using a lot of those but i am wanting to appeal one more time for anyone who would like to give me their honest opinion/experience/understanding of what church is: if you can do it in one to three sentences all the better and i really just want honesty so good, bad or ugly – what is your experience of church?

please email your answers to me at simply in the form “to me church is…” or “i think church is…” or “my experience of church has been…” or whatever

thanking you muchly in advance…

oh and then sign off how you would like me to acknowledge you in the book if i use it

eg “church is like popcorn cos it starts small and then when it gets heated it explodes” [brett, atheist orthodontist]