Oh? As in really? You… you’re sure? Certain?
All-powerful. Oh?
Faithful. Oh?
All-loving. Unconditionally so.
Even me?
Even my stuff?
Me? Oh?
Oh really? As in ‘really really?’
Like real miracles? Actual miraculous occurances?
Blind seeing, deaf hearing, lame walking?
Dead being raised?
Oh. I get it. It’s a metaphoric death.
An inner blindness.
Deaf to the words of the Holy Scriptures speaking to my disobedient ears.
Able to walk tall in the knowledge that i’m ok.
That i’m going to make it.
Is that all?
Because if it is, then “oh!”
As in zero
As in no more response to that do i have.
IS that really all you’ve got?
If it’s only metaphorical
Some kind of greeting card sentiment
A cartooned caricature
Then “oh” is all i have.
Awe has turned to oh.
As in You owe me.
All the time i put in
All the energy
All of that, believing…
For a life given
Surrendered? Well, where i could.
Unless. One less. Own-less. Oh’ness.
Unless… there really was more.
Is more.
of You. to You. about… You?
Because if there was more, is more
Then it would be different
It would have to be different
I would have to be different
Oh so completely different
If you were shown to be so much more
Or maybe even just all i was told you were, are.
Not metaphoric, but real.
Not imaginary or fabled or wishfully thought up
But real. Alive. Involved.
In me.
In us. In all this. In all that is and has been going on.
And once more, the awe consumes the “oh?”
Well…such a wonderful play on words to convey some rather complex questions about one’s belief….very nicely done.
That’s really cool!
How I long for the owe to become awe but what can I do to have that happen but keep asking!?!? 🙁