it struck me this week like an intentionally mischievous bolt of lightning with a chip on its shoulder – following two or three different incidences between me/tbV and other people – that people, for the most part, would much rather appear right than be right. and it blows my mind

i think mostly because i hunger to be right. i am passionate about real. not fake. not masked. not appearance. but reality. and truth. and Truth!

and i ‘get’ it a little bit i think because when someone challenges me, often my initial reaction will be a ‘but-how-can-you-challenge-me-of-course-i’m-right’ type response, cos i think that’s what we all tend towards (call it pride or sin or whatever) but then i will go back and think about it and a lot of the time i will be, “ah…hm….wait…oh yes i see now” and then i will change whatever the thing is or go back to the person and tell them they were right and do whatever i can do to help make the appearance the reality. that’s part of my d.n.a. that’s who i am

so it really does freak my bean (i don’t really have a bean or know what a bean is i don’t think but i have acquired this saying somewhere from someone and am pretty sure that if i did have one or know what it was then this particular situation would pretty much freak it!) when people blatantly choose to appear right, instead of embracing an opportunity to tweak or repent or change or whatever and be more right

this will be filed under my shtupidt people category cos it’s ridiculous

it’s pride and it’s sin and it kills relationship and just don’t do it any more!

and if it’s you, then you should stop it or i’ll bury you alive in a box.

[okay, i won’t really bury you alive in a box, it’s a reference to an amazing bob newheart video clip which you should be able to watch here –]