i have never been a big fan of the whole ‘new year’s resolution’ vibe mostly from the point of having been indoctrinated into that way of thinking from an early time in life – “arr, it’s rubbish, you make promises that you break within a week, arr” [it seems like a pirate may have been doing that particular indoctrination but i think it was quite possibly more my parentals]

but the last few days of last year i was thinking about the new year and it is always a good or natural time to look back and reflect on life over the last 365.25 days and while you’re doing that you may as well change some things that are broken or could be working better, so instead i have been thinking of the concept of new year’s reVolutions

what needs to change in my life that will revolutionise it from the way it was last year? – after all as a Christ-follower i believe that i am called to live life to the full (an early death is very achievable here on earth by all those who simply choose to exist rather than live, or else possibly survive their way through life) and so i should be constantly evaluating and re-evaluating and moving more in the direction of a Christ-like lifestyle, loving God and people better and uplifting those in need

what the actual reVolutions are going to be i haven’t given as much thort to altho the one i definitely have in mind is eating better – tbV and i generally eat pretty healthy but i want to cut out a lot of junk food or at least limit it to special occasions (that way it will be more appreciated i imagine) so definitely thinking chips and probly chocolate a lot…

and then the tattoo – i think i definitely need to get my butt into gear on that one cos it’s been way too long just thinking about it and hanging out with Nic Smal from Versus the Wolf who is a living tattoo canvas has upped the desire – thinking i need a hectic rethink on the idea/design of it and so my reVolution is to get intentional and active on that

to finish my book – or my half of the book – i think sean du toit begins writing his part in jan so that will help – have gotten a fair bit written end of 2010 but now i need to push through and finish it – really digging what i have so far but does need some tightening up and possibly ordering, but ja super excited about getting that done and out there

and some other 4th thing.

what reVolutions are you planning?