so yes, this week has finally arrived [in the haze of the bigger picture of “what are you doing this year brett?” having resigned from my job at vineyard church end of last year after 6 years of student/youth ministry due to it being the end of a good season and being in a place of waiting on God for the next plan of action…]

and the plan for this week is to try and finish my book – that’s right, i am busy writing a book about church called ‘i kissed hating (the church) good bye’ – in terms of finishing the majority of my content for the book – there will still be quite a bit to do but i want to get the bulk of it done and so i will be hiding out at a friend’s flat in simonstown – aka the cave – to gun through sans distraction (or sans much distraction – have some evening things on and speaking at a camp the following weekend) so at least hoping for some all nighter opportunities of being in the zone and hopefully getting a lot done. if you are a praying person please pray for guidance, wisdom, listening, direction…

but tomorrow is of course saint valentine’s day (‘saint’ if you have a girl or boy type person – [insert bad word] if you don’t) and so i will be spending at least part of the day picnic’ing with the beautiful val in an undisclosed location…

and then sleeping over with her (i’m allowed to, sh!) in the cave and then she will be leaving early tuesday so the caving can begin…

i’m anticipating a great week. join me. but not physically cos you’d probably be a distraction unless you were just dropping off a solid cup of coffeine.