the purpose of Taboo Topics is dealing with some life issues that affect a lot of people but that are rarely if ever spoken about or into… and this topic, ABORTION, must be one of the hugest of those…

what to a lot of people might seem like a black and white, right or wrong kind of topic suddenly becomes a lot more tricky and entangled when you talk about decisions that have to be made to save the mother’s life for example, and other possible complications, but even when it was a wrong decision that someone made when they were in a tight spot and perhaps felt like they had nowhere to turn ours is not to judge… the purpose of hearing these Taboo Topic stories is not to figure out if the person was right or wrong but to really try and listen to their story and walk alongside them in their pain or questioning where that is a result, to love on them and be praying for them and remembering that we serve a faithful God who is amazing at bringing beauty out of ashes, at restoring the years the locusts have eaten and in all things [good, bad, and hideously ugly] working for the good of those who love Him [Romans 8.28]

so to the people who are bravely sharing their stories here, i thank you, and trust and believe that for many out there who have been suffering in silence and in some cases holding on to this secret and trying to continue walking all by themselves, that they will be a source of encouragement and hope and at the very least the knowledge that someone has walked a similar type of story before…

as well as a reminder, that each one of us really, is in some way responsible for the death of a child… God, who in His incomparable love sent down His only son Jesus, to die in our place, so that we would not have to… and if God can forgive us for being a part of killing His own son, then surely anything else we do can be forgiven if we just go to Him and ask…

to read the story of Irma, click here

to read the story of Dani, click here

to read the story of ‘A’ click here