i have seen these ‘Coffee with Jesus’ comic strips around every now and then and have generally found them to be thort-provoking and profound and more recently my friend Robert has been sharing some that i have really liked and so i intend to stick a few on here from time to time… hopefully they will provoke more thort and even some action as they provide a bit of a mirror for those of us who claim to follow Jesus…
I alluded to it the other day… but this comic came up the day after a dinner conversation with our 10 year old.
She asked: “Why doesn’t Jesus just come back and walk around and teach the stuff he taught before?”
We responded two-fold. First, with the standard “Christianese” of “He will come back again someday, he promised that”. But secondly with a little teaching, “Well, Jesus said, when he went to heaven, that those of us who are following him will do the same things he did… and even more so! Also, Paul, that guy Daddy talked about in the sermon on Sunday, wrote about how we are the body of Jesus. That we are his hands, feet, eyes, ears, spleen, etc. And when we go out and do the stuff that Jesus wants us to do, it actually IS Jesus doing it.”
Was rather cool how the comic came up right after that conversation. Love those little teaching times with my girls!
that is insanely great robert – lots of ooh parent moments this week… keep on!