mashed potato

So subscribers of Irresistibly Fish [this blog] may or may not know that i started another blog three weeks ago called ‘The Weekly Mash [and peace!]’ which has a regular focus – so each day each week will have the same focus with Monday being something fun, Tuesday being a news-related post, Wednesday having something to do with relationships, Thursday having a God-focused, Jesus-following aspect and then Friday being ‘My Day’ where i can blog about whatever is on my mind in the moment. The idea is for a regular range of topics but also that people can pick and choose the days they want to read based on what their interest is and know what’s happening when. General life bloggage is still going to happen here though, but for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet but wants to take a look, here is the weekly summary:

Monday was a rare picture that made me laugh out loud the first time I saw it and which continues to make me chuckle: Cloud man

Tuesday was a look at celebrity marriage and seeing if we could learn anything from Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner or Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith

Wednesday brought us the Love when you’re angry umbrella cartoon reminding us that real Love goes beyond feelings

Thursday had a unique flavour using Wednesday’s cartoon to focus on the consequences of Loving God aspect

Friday was all about slowing life down and taking time, and making time, to be still and appreciate and live in the moment

[To view last week’s Saturday round up which featured the pope, a bigger God and the importance of looking after the earth]