
Pome: On Behalf Of The Human Race…

I thank You, God For granting an audience To someone as weak and insignificant as me I kneel before You In a futile attempt To right a millenia of wrongs committed against You I represent a group of people Totally unworthy, fully undeserving Completely unaware and oblivious of their need for me to be here If the court stenographer will read back the testimony It will be made clear That time and time again You [...]

By |2010-04-07T07:01:40+02:00April 7th, 2010|God stuff, poems and other creativity|0 Comments

not for what we don't do but what we do do

When we focus on character development, we usually emphasise the elimination of sin. What it means to be holy then finds its definition in things that we do not do rather than things we do. This focus can be easily understood and justified. Certainly a significant part of our spiritual journey is the putting off of the old. Early on in the process, the dominant conversation between God and us seems to be about some [...]

By |2010-03-11T05:44:56+02:00March 11th, 2010|God stuff|1 Comment
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