where ‘p’ is for ‘pain’

there are three kinds of people in the world – those who are obsessed with the royal wedding happening in the uk today between william and kate and those who aren’t [the third group being those fortunate enough to have no clue that it is happening, who i assume are the poor and marginalised because if you have a tv or computer you probably cannot avoid having had it thrust before your face numerously]

and if it’s you’re thing and you’re obsessed with it then good for you, well maybe not if you’re obsessed cos then you should go seek help, but if you’re interested and want to watch and stuff, you have my blessing, just do it in the other room, please… i, however, fit into the second category…

people in britain being obsessed i can understand a little bit, but south africans taking the day off work to have scone and champagne parties a lot less so… but again, if that’s your thing and you’re going to enjoy it, enjoy it large…

but for all those who don’t and aren’t, here is a clip worth visiting as the one kind of royalty the uk has brought us which i have appreciated – it’s one of my favourite scenes from monty python’s ‘the quest for the holy grail’ and especially significant this year for me contains the line, “I’m 37, I’m not old” so check it out.

then, if you finished that and are still trying to avoid hearing about which way they swirled the cream on the royal scones [not a metaphor] you can take a look at this one which contains my favourite line of the movie and maybe of all time, even though it has nothing to do with royalty…

“she turned me into a newt.”
[awkward silence]
“i got better.”