this psalm is filled with a number of deep thoughts worth reflecting on, but i will just pick a few:

‘I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.’ [vs.8]

this is the first verse that really caught my attention and really just spoke to me about living a life close to God – john 15 shares the picture of the vine and the branches and encourages us to remain in Him – the idea of being filled with the Spirit [ephesians 5.18] where the original greek apparently is better translated as ‘be being filled with the Spirit’ as if it is telling us that it is a consistently happening activity – so every day inviting God, by His Spirit, to fill you and lead, guide, direct, empower… – and also a reminder to be deeply saturated in the word of God [the bible] which brings life [a truly underrated concept in today’s church]

and another great reminder of this is hebrews 12 where we are encouraged to ‘fix our eyes upon Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith…’

verse 5 is an interesting one [which was not one of the initial things that jumped out at me, but only on this third reading] – ‘LORD, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure.’

if only the church could live that way. the questions that accompany this verse are:

# what else am i making my portion? what are the things i allow to fill me instead of God in my day to day?
# what else is my cup? what are the things i invite to quench my thirst instead of the words and works of Jesus?
is God REALLY alone my portion and my cup? and if not, where might it be better for a 40 day lenting to be a day to day sacrifice or living differently?