Last week we had a Hashtag game crew of note.

i invited a number of past co-hosts and regulars to join me in the mix and be part of the informal promoting of the game and they really rocked up in fine fashion and helped catapult the game into the stratosphere. And it really did fly.

And for the second time ever @AFrikkinHashtag made TWITTERER MOMENTS – WhooHoo!

There were so many of them that i am scared to mentioned names for fear of leaving someone out but from Australia to South Africa to the UK to Americaland and even Canada i think, we had an international Hashtag team of mystery…

The tag we chose was #PunYourJob and it exploded quickly and then had legs well into the night and provided the most fun a tag has for a long time i think. You really got into it and some amazing creativity was shown.

As always we encourage you to connect via the free @HashtagRoundup app if you haven’t yet and once again we focused on FAMILY FRIENDLY game which most of you got, with points largely awarded for the four pillar categories – FUNNY or CLEVER or MISDIRECTIONAL or RANDOM [but related].

i helped get the ball rolling with some of these:

I write Tongue Twisters on T-shirts and Mugs
How’s Business?
It’s hard to say.


I help people remove unwanted hair from their bodies.
How’s work?
I’ve got it waxed.

hairs waxed

You saw the picture for this one:

I catapult different varieties of cows into space.
How’s business?
Our stock is up.

I create art out of the poop of animals.
How’s work?
It’s pretty crap.

poop pictures

I’m a Fashion Designer for Lady Gaga
How’s Business?
I’m struggling to make both ends meat.


I rent rooms under theatres.
How’s business?
We’re under performing.


I do all kinds of work and hardly charge anything.
How’s business?
It’s Fee-nominal.



Not sure i grabbed tweets from everyone on my secret team of helpers,
but here were some of the ones they brought to the party:

WhoBrannigan was a first timer with me and she was superb:

As was Gretel, and likewise:

Man, i really enjoyed this one:

Could have had a complete F.L.O.P. list purely from my uundercover team of HashtAgents, but then you would have all been sad.

And we know that you only stopped by to see if you made it onto this week’s:


This week’s F.L.O.Ps and there were SO MANY GREAT ONES to choose from include, and let me say
how completely ridiculously difficult it was to choose and so many of these could have
been top five:

Punstrated wood have you believe:

While Candygram drove her point home:

Heaven with a D fired this one:

And Lee Ding just put it out there:

Humphrey raised the bar:

While Fungus played MISDIRECTION to the T, or should that be M:

Ian was right on it, i mean I.T.:

French Toast brought the combo:

And Dennis Hood [no relation] went a little postal:

Glen gazed into the future:

While French offered assistance:

Straw Donkey was not as fortunate:

Jonathan was on pointe:

Gary brought out his good stuff:

Gabe showed he was a bright spark:

Emily’s pun was sum-thing else:

Jamie shared about his Korea:

While Eris made us wait[ress] for this one:

Richard was given his march-ing orders:

While Rev showed off his shirt:

LOVED this one by ESF:

AND this one [ESF on Fire!]:

Ron scared up this one:

Todd added this:

While Momb went on a tangent:

Moony had this a-maze-in one:

Gary’s was a very popular one:

Moony brought this one which was another favourite of mine:

Michele deserves a hand for:

While CAPS DAVE had this hairlaireous one:

Bill struggled to get going:

Steven pitched us this beauty:

John gave it to us strayt:

J showed that he is a whizz:

And Dave the Dave [you know, of Dave the Dave fame]

Some absolute gems in there, but some F.L.O.P.s are F.L.O.P.pier than others
so let’s GROAN together with this week’s TOP 5 who shone above the rest:

[5] Craig gets some MISDIRECTION points:

[4] Gary was right on the money:

[3] Mike gave it some cheek:

[2] Beeka was so close with this winner:

And at the end of the game, it came down to these two that could not be separated
and so Double F.L.O.P. WINNERNESS this week goes to:

[1] Kissabix with this Emperor of Puntastic puns:

[1] Jessica who co-wins despite using the word raiSIN in my presence
[cos it was THAT good]:

Well done EVERYONE who played – you are ALL WINNERS [but mostly those who made the F.L.O.P. list and especially @KissabiX and @Jessberrie this week]

Hope to see you TOMORROW for another @AFrikkinHashtag adventure, keeping the WIT in the TWitterer… with a big welcome to @Eezeebee101 as she does her first co-host with us!