i was driving to go and pick up my new temporary phone yesterday. And it happened.

Far left lane backed up with people heading to town. Middle lane flowing fairly quickly and i was in the right lane as i was heading straight to Salt River.

Two cars zooming along middle lane and at last second indicate left and push in to backed up traffic. Because entitlement.

Something is saying to those two drivers, “i am more important than all of these other people who are taking their place in the line and worthy of pushing in front of them so that i can get where i want to be quicker.”

None of them seemed to have a pregnant-giving-birth-lady in the back of them, else i might have been a little more okay with it. Both were white which may or may not have been a factor but was just something i noticed.

That is one thing that makes me so super mad.

i’m better than you.

My time is more important than your time.

i will make each of you one extra car later because i don’t feel like going through what everyone else is going through.


They were also both cars of wealthy people, which may also be a thing or not, but it certainly isn’t surprising. Many of the wealthy tend towards entitlement in my experience.


i was taking a shower the other night. Water on, wet the soap, get my body a little wet, water off. Soap up. Get a whole bunch of the lathering on done and get the shampoo well and truly mixed into my hair. Water on and quick rinse. Done. All standing awkwardly over a bucket in out bath. And both of us only shower a couple of times a week now.

That particular day had been a really hot one. i had been really sweaty in the car. i longed to be able to just stand under the shower with no bucket and just let water flow over my body for minutes and experience the soul cleansing a long, hot shower can often do for you. But i didn’t, cos water crisis.

And while i was busy putting the soap on, i thought to myself, i can only imagine that there are a lot of people having baths right now, or twenty minute showers with no buckets and absolutely no visible awareness that there is any kind of water crisis going on. There are a lot of people doing a whole lot of stuff to make a difference as far as water is concerned [tbV and i have a cost of zero rands per month for water and she is still finding ideas online of how we can save more] and a whole lot of people doing nothing. Because entitlement.

It can be hard to tell with borehole water [although even that is apparently moderated] but there are a whole lot of lush gardens happening all around Cape Town. i drive past sprinklers.

Imagine if everyone just came to the party.


Smoker throwing butt out of window. Again.

This one drives me completely insane and i know it’s not all smokers, but it is a whole lot of them. It is completely inconsiderate, especially in times of drought with the threat of fires but more so just in times of DROPPING A CIGARETTE BUTT OUT OF YOUR WINDOW IS LITTERING and the expectation that someone else will clean it up. Just Stoppit. You’re being an adjective.

Exhibit D would be pineapple on pizza but it looks like the president of Iceland is on that…

These are just a few of my unfavourite things…

What would YOU add to the entitlement list?