First dates are all about making that good first impression and so we asked you to put your heads together to come up with some places that may not be the best for that. And you did! #WellOfCourseYouDidDontBeRidiculous

[The Story So Far: Every Wednesday at 12 noon South African time [6am EDT] an inspired and growing number of brilliant, creative and absolutely fun people from all around the world take part in what is called a Hashtag game. @AFrikkinHashtag [say it out loud] is South Africa’s #1 Hashtag game and is always a lot of fun. The F.L.O.P. [or Fish List Of Prizeworthyness] is the collection of some of the best tweets from each week’s game and is what all seriously comedic Hashtaggers aspire to…]

This was Geoff [@geoffreyclark37]’s first week as co-host and having watched his tweets for a while [we’re stalkery like that] we knew he’d be a great fit:

@geoffreyclark37 Hashtag co-host

He’s the one at the back, by the way.

We sent out an invite:

Hashtag game bad date location

And then started with some examples to, you know, just keep things moving… and if by now you don’t know that i have a strongly deep aversion to raiSINs, then you are probably fairly new to A Frikkin Hashtag…

Any place that serves you a dish containing these ugly beasts of evil would be #BadFirstDateLocations

#RaiSINsAreEvil #StopTheMadness

hashtag game bad date locations

All-you-can- eat Spaghetti night at the local diner would be amongst my #BadFirstDateLocations

With @geoffreyclark37 on @HashtagRoundup

hashtag game bad date location

And then invited you all to come out and play:

hashtag game bad date location

Geoff was on it:

And we quickly bothered the trends:

As well as having some of our favourite bots stop by:

But then it was also cool to have some big names play our game. Grubhub should know:

While @JulieKlausner & @BillyEichner know what’s wrong for you:

MGM Studios were really just looking out for you:

And Seamless was all over it:

FYE had a bit of an FYI to help you out:

While WWE was more about the dress code of the event:

While The Knot was maybe thinking a little bit into the future:

And it was great having Resident Evil playing our game again:

And then there was all of you – well not ALL of you cos that would be too many tweets, but of the many amazing tweets there were, here are some of the ones that we identified and named as being worthy of this week’s F.L.O.P. aka


Ross got us started with this classic:

While Mikeala was specific, and then wasn’t:

While Butta kept us remembering:

Rob was really trying to stir:

While Math sounded like he knew from first hand experience:

Geff was tweeting from his happy place:

While Mikeala had honed in to the specifics again:

Rishabh was definitely on to something:

Grendel even more so #EspeciallyIfHerNameIsLucille:

While Katt was being ageist:

While Paul had a strategy of misdirection going on:

Ruben seemed to get a kick out of his suggestion:

While Mary’s felt more like a not-distant-enough memory:

Beast was getting creative:

While Terhi was just saying that food might not be the best idea at this place:

Cattsypillar was like Bean there, done that:


Emmomboze was thinking of a date on the run kind of vibe:

While Hashin was just being obvs:

And Nate… well…. um…. just, No!

Hashin was a little pre-emptive on this one:

While Patrol knew their stuff:

As was evidenced here:

Sho Eric nailed it:

While Bunni was all about the shoes:

Kevin was just kinda stating the obvious:

Vivian brought the awkward…

Sho, you guys are amazing and some of those were so super great they probably should have even made it on to the TOP F.L.O.P.s but the ones that did are these which managed to clambour just a little bit faster and more resolutely to the top of the pile and so i present to you this week’s F.L.O.P. EIGHT

[8] Daniel has a keeper:

[7] Manish had a proviso with his:

[6] Mr Paul was very specific – i can’t see that going well in any way, shape or form:

[5] While Rob was, you know, “asking for a friend”:

[4] Katt raised her hand as a specialist:

[3] Sho, and H.D. just took it to a whole new level:

[2] Brian brought out his A game punnage:

[1] While this week’s #1 i felt had to go to DiGiorno Pizza for this amazing piggyback on a trending tag to delayed-middle-finger the opposition – well played DiGiorno, well played…

Nicely played everyone – what a super fun game and know that we are back every Wednesday at 12 noon South African time which is 6am EDT – hope to see you soon. Huge shoutout to Geoff for being an amazing co-host and The UnNamed Ones for doing their thing [which mostly means taunting me about raiSINs and cooked pineapple, i believe]

Let’s keep the WIT in the Twitterer

love brett “Fish” and No_bob [world’s most famous stuffed dolphin]

Ron Swanson uninterested