We have maybe two or three tags that we return to every year and #____WasTheYearThatIFinally is probably the best of them…

[The Story So Far: Every Wednesday at 1pm South African time [6am EST] an inspired and growing number of brilliant, creative and absolutely fun people from all around the world take part in what is called a Hashtag game. @AFrikkinHashtag [say it out loud] is South Africa’s #1 Hashtag game and is always a lot of fun. The F.L.O.P. [or Fish List Of Prizeworthyness] is the collection of some of the best tweets from each week’s game and is what all seriously comedic Hashtaggers aspire to…]

We played this tag first in 2015 and it did so well and was so inspiring that we decided to include it as an AFH tradition towards the end of every year. As with every game there is always going to be FUNNY and MISDIRECTIONAL and RANDOM [but related] and PUNNY and a generous dose of CLEVER, but this game which looks to celebrate an achievement or a bucket list item ticked off or a relationship healed or a disease/setback recovered from, just really brings the best out of people.

Because of this we host it as an AFH family with The UnNamed Ones all joining me in the co-hosting seat making this in a real sense, a family game. And once again we had so much fun.

The tag pretty much speaks for itself but we still sent out an invite and gave a taste of what might be to come:

At AFH we generally try to avoid Trump tweets because there are so many of them, but this did seem like a legitimate occasion to bring the spotlight…

We shot up to the top spot, including some fun trending in Puerto Rico and Vietnam:

And had some of our favourite bots join us for the ride:

You know it’s been a good year when chocolate comes to the party:

And even exciting and historical locations peek their windows in:

But of course AFH is all about you and trying to see you bring the best out of yourselves and time and time again you come to the party and it was no different this time with so many great tweets, although only some of them can be the TOP TWEETS and for this game, these are the ones we selected which make it on to this week’s bragging rights enduced:


Barry the Pirate got us started off and hit us right in the feels – #RightBackAtYaBazz

Geff was feeling technologically advanced:

While Klorine felt easily distracted:

Jess took the opportunity to go a little lighter on herself:

While Jeff was, no he wasn’t, wait no he was a little bit:

Geff decided to put his best face forward:

Leanna’s cup seems quite a lot more than just half full:

Maxine was welcomed to the family #OneOfUsMaxine #SoMuchOfWelcome #IWillStopNow

Richard was trying on his big boy pants:

Paul was trying to keep things scientific:

While for pH it seemed like the vinyl straw:

Dale is trying to adjust:

Gifthorse swung in for some pun points:

Social ZA took us there #AlthoughWeStillDontKnowWhereThereIs:

While Tom had us at “meaningful career” but then, Oh!:

John brought the wonder:

While Lauren got educatedalised:

King Steelo brought some wisdom:

While Maybe Pile was… um, i need to go and look that up:

Jordan Charles finally made it safely into the eighties…

Rishil gained a new and profound perspective:

While Steph [or Danny] started to invest in some self care:

Mark went for gold:

N C stepped into a whole new world:

While K Dawg was still found to be playing with her socks:

Alyssa was ready for the tooth and the whole tooth:

While Kuziva blew all of our minds:

Kavontae took a chance and looks like it was worth it:

So many good tweets and a whole bunch of others that didn’t even make the list – what a game. But huge and special moments for this games F.L.O.P. TWO who truly are inspirational:


[2] Huge shoutout to Blake for this achievement and long may it continue:

[1] While any victory over cancer feels like a super great win and so huge cheers for Maxi as she recovers:

Thank you everybody for playing – you make AFH what it is, and thank you for keeping it [mostly] family as those are the tweets we Heart and RT so let’s keep the WIT in the Twitterer and let’s keep the LOLs and cleverness flowing.

Huge shoutout to The UnNamed Ones for another great co-hosting job – if you enjoy AFH and would like to try your hand at co-hosting, drop me a line at brettfish@hotmail.com and let’s make it happen!

love brett “Fish” and No_bob [stuffed dolphin of mystery]