You’d think after a week of Epic Bernie memes that we would be all Bernie’d out…
But there were SO MANY of them and so many of them were SO GOOD that every day i am discovering some more that feel like they should jump into my Top 3 and with one or two exceptions, it’s not wise to say ‘My Best Berne Meme’ because you know five minutes later it will be replaced.
Having already created a post with some of my Top Bernie Memes at the time, i felt like a sequel was needed as there just have been some too good not to share. And again the disclaimer will be that there are still a whole lot that are amazing and didn’t make this list but these are some that i grabbed as i saw them, or that particularly stood out for me in some way.
May the Bernie be with us
There have been many amazing memes over the years and some have gone viral, but i can’t remember one that travelled just as widely as this Bernie meme has.
For example, this morning in the big MMA fight where Dustin Poirier knocked out Conor McGregor in the second round, not only was Bernie at the fight, and indeed IN the fight, but he could also be found in the hospital ward afterwards making sure that McGregor was recovering well.
And just in case that wasn’t enough, this classic Bern sent to me by my good mate [and fellow Horsedawg of the Apocalypse] David Barta added the chocolate to the top. Although some of us in other countries might need to think a little longer as we tend to use the word stretcher instead of gurney. But once you get there…

The best part for me about that meme is that the joke isn’t completed which adds to the humour once the audience joins the dots. Classic pause laugh! #BernieOnAGurney
So which Bernie memes stood out for me this time around?
Well, Bat Bernie stood out as it was quietly different from every other one we had seen so far.

Then yesterday someone ran a Hashtagging game that saw all sorts of Sci-Fi Bernie memes being shared. And so many of these are great:
But the defining word on the Sci-Fi memes came from Luke Skywalker actor, Mark Hamill himself who chimed in on his Instagram picking Bernie Sanders in a Bacta Tank as his favourite:

They just keep on coming [clap clap clap clap]
What can i say? Even as i jump into google to look for the Mark Hamill Bernie meme i come face to face with Gangnam Bernie, Olympic Bernie and The Iron Bernie and so those had to get a nod, along with Indiana Bernie which is discovered just too late for my previous Bernie memes post.
And the winner is…
But when it comes to round two of the Bernie memes, these two absolutely stood out for me and mount a definite challenge to my previous best.
First up is the Back to the Bernie meme just because it adds that extra element of thought with Bernie slowly fading just like the rest of Marty’s family!

But if i absolutely had to choose i think the extra political edge that this one brings and that it has taken the traditional meme to a twist level makes it my Golden Bernie:

That’s right – my top pick of round two goes to Person, Woman, Man, Camera, Tv, Bernie – and if T Rump was still allowed to play with us on the Twitterer, i strongly suspect it might have been his as well.
How about you? Seen any new ones in recent days that jumped to the top of your list of best Bernie Memes? i would LOVE to see them.
[If you somehow missed my original list, you can check it out by clicking here!]
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