Have you taken a moment away from church, christianity, and religion to simply focus for a moment on Jesus?
Pandemic time, and i would probably add American election time, has been a hard one for christians.
How do you continue to follow God when the world is on fire? When church leaders around the world are being exposed for secret, often devastating sins? When churches fight tooth and nail to keep Sunday meetings happening but are silent when poor people are being tear-gassed and water cannoned on the streets? When people who call themselves christian look and sound nothing like the God they are meant to be following?
Well, in a time – which has gone on quite a while longer than the homepocalypse to be honest – when i have found it increasingly hard to align with many churches and people who call themselves christian, one thing has remained constant:
As much as christians & the church continue to regularly confound, disappoint & anger me in so many ways, the person, words & ways of Jesus Christ never have. There are so many Christ-followers i love and i have seen beautiful Church things too but Jesus has always remained true.
— brett "Fish" anderson (@BrettFishA) January 31, 2021
Cast your eyes upon Jesus
In fact last night i took to the Twitterer to remind myself – and others – of some of the things Jesus said which i believe are things we can all get behind whether we believe in Him or not.
Starting with this controversial piece:
Jesus: Love your neighbour as yourself.
Not super controversial. Not a heavy ask. Not a freedom restrictor. Not out of each of our reach.
But just imagine if we all took Him seriously on that one…
— brett "Fish" anderson (@BrettFishA) January 31, 2021
i mean, it’s not though, right? Isn’t that something we can all get behind? Whatever we believe, surely this idea of showing love to your neighbour is a universal invitation with everyone’s name on it.
And just imagine how the world would be transformed overnight if we all committed to this one. A quite horrific thought to me is how much the world would be radically transformed if only people who claimed to be christian started taking this one seriously.

Following Jesus
i moved on to some other words of Jesus and again did not find these too big a leap to be worth aspiring to:
Jesus: Feed the hungry, give a drink to the thirsty, invite the stranger, clothe the naked, visit the sick and imprisoned.
So possible to achieve this & also quite easy to do if people did not operate from greed/selfishness. i am a person through people. Why is this so hard?
— brett "Fish" anderson (@BrettFishA) January 31, 2021
As i moved on to the next quote from Jesus, this one felt like it might cause a lot more people some trouble:
Jesus: Love your enemy.
Okay, this one appears a lot more tricky at face value. But if you choose early on to refuse to return to your enemy what they dish out to you, they will eventually run out of steam.
Imagine if we practiced this.
— brett "Fish" anderson (@BrettFishA) January 31, 2021
Perhaps if we take a moment to consider just how strongly Jesus lived this one out, we might consider it to be something we could maybe take on board a little more:
Jesus [while being killed in one of the most torturous ways possible that Rome had designed for maximum pain]: Forgive them [those who kill Me, those who mock Me, those who didn't understand Me] for they know not what they do.
— brett "Fish" anderson (@BrettFishA) January 31, 2021
So not only did Jesus speak enemy love, He demonstrated it in the most powerful of ways. Calling on us to do the same.

Life-changing encounters
The next tweet i shared was a reminder of a powerful story of the transformation of a life that happened simply after one encounter and a meal with Jesus:
Jesus [Chooses to have a meal with a despised tax collector who everyone despises because of how unjustly he lives]
Zacchaeus [after one meal with Jesus]: Let me give half of what I have to the poor and pay back four times to anyone I have robbed.
— brett "Fish" anderson (@BrettFishA) January 31, 2021
Which led me naturally to another meal where Jesus demonstrated another invitation that He expected us to repeat and pass on:
Jesus [Breaking bread and passing around the glass of wine] Do this in remembrance of Me.
An invitation to break bread with people and remember the One who was all about Love and Invitation and Living so well here that eternity would take care of itself in the process.
— brett "Fish" anderson (@BrettFishA) January 31, 2021

All of which led me to this final tweet:
So whatever your feelings are towards God and religion and christianity and christians and the church…
Surely we can all see that living a little more like Jesus is not one of the worst things you can do. #ForgetReligionPursueJesus
— brett "Fish" anderson (@BrettFishA) January 31, 2021
Cos that’s really it for me. Church is made up of people and the Bible is always read through a lens or a combination thereof [upbringing, context, history, denomination] and so mistakes will be made.
Which is why we should always avoid putting people on pedestals and the past year has reminded us why this is especially true for christian leaders.
But Jesus. Always worth listening to, always worth following, always worth emulating.
Which is why it is a wonder so few christians do…
The one that seems to get the most people though.
Jesus: If you would follow Me, Deny yourself [stop making it about you!], take up your cross daily [live as if you were dead to your selfishness & greed & plans] and follow Me [do what I do, say what I said, be more like Me].
— brett "Fish" anderson (@BrettFishA) January 31, 2021
The recent American election and storming of the Capitol reminded us that many people will claim to be christian and yet look/sound barely like Jesus at all.
“I asked participants who claimed to be “strong followers of Jesus” whether Jesus spent time with the poor. Nearly 80 percent said yes. Later in the survey, I sneaked in another question, I asked this same group of strong followers whether they spent time wit the poor, and less than 2 percent said they did. I learned a powerful lesson:
We can admire and worship Jesus without doing what he did.
We can applaud what he preached and stood for without caring about the same things.
We can adore his cross without taking up ours.
I had come to see that the great tragedy of the church is not that rich Christians do not care about the poor but that rich Christians do not know the poor.”
― [The Irresistible Revolution: Living as an Ordinary Radical]
What i love about Jesus is His accessibility.
Loving your neighbour, making peace with your enemy, serving one another in love, looking after those who are less fortunate than you… these are not exclusive religious acts you have to be in the club for… these are invitational ‘how to create a society that resembles heaven a lot more than it feels like hell’ ways to live.
So i get it if you’re struggling with church.
i understand if you find christians hypocritical and judgemental and arrogant and dismissive.
i own the fact that for many people i may have been the reason you think one or both of those things [i am truly and deeply sorry for every time i have not represented Jesus to you in thought, word or deed!]
But Jesus. Don’t let me, us, it, put you off Him. Jesus is the real deal.
Which brings me back to the start of this all:
As much as christians & the church continue to regularly confound, disappoint & anger me in so many ways, the person, words & ways of Jesus Christ never have. There are so many Christ-followers i love and i have seen beautiful Church things too but Jesus has always remained true.
— brett "Fish" anderson (@BrettFishA) January 31, 2021
But Jesus! Don’t walk away completely until you’ve given Him a proper look. Jesus Big L Loves you more than you will ever know. Give following Him a chance and see if everything else doesn’t fit somewhat into place…
What would be the definition of poor? Is there a number? Money in account? Salary number? For me and many of my close friends, we are not too rich either. Many of us have a few thousand rand at most in our bank accounts.any of us are battling to pay credit cards and we buy food on credit to feed our families. If we lost our jobs, and did not find a new one, we’d be unable to pay rent and end up on the streets. South Africa has no safety net for the poor. We not exactly begging on the streets but we close to it. Lol. Cape Town is just too expensive. We have looked at living in the Boland. But jobs and schooling is a problem. The government has really pulled a number on us all. A billionaire president! Made while in politics. What is the answer? Who knows. In how can a president get billions as a public servant. Governmnet lies. They have never cared about the people. Rhamaposer is a liar. So we struggle on. Work our 5 jobs between us and study. How are others managing in the pandemic?