Some people get frustrated by internet bots, others [like AFH] choose to embrace them and even have a favourite [@Seinfeld_bot although @BotSchmot runs a close second] so we thought that would be a great theme for this week’s game.

[The Story So Far: Every Wednesday at 12 noon South African time [6am EDT] an inspired and growing number of brilliant, creative and absolutely fun people from all around the world take part in what is called a Hashtag game. @AFrikkinHashtag [say it out loud] is South Africa’s #1 Hashtag game and is always a lot of fun. The F.L.O.P. [or Fish List Of Prizeworthyness] is the collection of some of the best tweets from each week’s game and is what all seriously comedic Hashtaggers aspire to…]

i had to pick up my younger sister Dawn from the airport just after this game started so i left the bulk of it in the hands of my The UnNamed Ones crew [whose names i can’t give out for legal reasons] who are made up largely of former co-hosts of AFH and are an amazing bunch of people who help make every week’s game a complete success.

First we came up with a premise:

hashtag game ad

And then got the game rolling…

Hashtag game ad

i then began with a few examples to, you know, get you in the mood:

Grendel is the code name of one of our UnNamed Ones actually and is the hugest chocolate addict [well, comparable to me] so she got this one:

The GrendelBot obvs and it would melt your heart. #MyTwitterbotName


And of course with my famed hatred of the squishy ex-grapes there had to be:

DeathToRaiSINsbot #MyTwitterbotName


ILikeBigBotsAndICannotLieBot #MyTwitterbotName

Botman #MyTwitterbotName

And more…

And we trended and quite quickly, which was quite a surprise – think we hit #4 in the States and it looked like people had a whole lot of silly fun…

In fact, this game trended on the Worldwide Trends, which is the first time i can remember, so it really seemed to cross international barriers – well done you.

We joke that a game is not a game until @Seinfeld_bot has shown up and i stated that if we run a bot-themed game and he doesn’t show up i will have to quit forever… so it’s a really good thing he did:

And even our number two popped his head in for this game:

i was not around for a lot of the game, but i did manage to see a few classics and so a little shorter than normal, and sorry if i missed yours, but here are the tweets that rose to the top and made it on to this weeks F.L.O.P. which is also known as the:


You guys got really creative with your bot names, but for the most part from what i saw, this was an opportunity for the puns to be out in full force and you did not disappoint. i won’t give individual commentary cos i think this week’s tweets speak for themselves and i hope you enjoy this amazing F.L.O.P. list you helped make:

They were all just SO SO good, you outdid yourselves – much inside LOLsing going on…

But there were three which snuck ahead for me and so this week’s F.L.O.P. THREE is as follows:

[3] Regina Spacola with the political p.s.

[2] Brendan with this brilliant 2001 tweet which almost took it:

[1] But John for me grabbed hold of it with this classic. The 3 is priceless:

Well done to all of you who F.L.O.P.ped – you were the top tweets for this game but there will be another game on Wednesday with more great chance to win [and if you’re from South Africa, then this week there is a bonus real prize of a funky cool t-shirt from so DON’T MISS THAT!]

Til then, be kind, keep it FAMILY and remember to always go for the FUN, CLEVER, MISDIRECTIONAL and RANDOM [but related] or a combination of the four, and keep the WIT in the Twitterer…

i’m your host Brett Fish and we’ll see you hopefully on the @HashtagRoundup app for the next amazing game…

i will leave you with my all-time favourite Gary Larsen Far Side cartoon:

Far Side spider