AKA while the wife is away…

so on my trip to canada recently i had a bunch of hours on the plane to get a little creative and so part of that time was spent coming up with a bunch of new brett andy one liners which you can read here and which are slowly being added to my blog…

in addition to that i came up with this idea for a video series which i think, once i can nail the accent and the character and maybe find a better way of recording them, may be something people actually like to watch cos it is fun in my head at least…

is it fun out of my head? well that’s for you to say, so if you have not witnessed this new phenomenon yet, please check out episode one of ‘Dangerous Things You Can Least Expect’ which you can do by clicking here or here but not here, cos that would be episode two you are clicking on… amateur!

if you do find it funny in any way i expect you will make use of the freedom of sharing, which as we all know, is caring.