So i heard Lists were a popular thing on the internetweb and so i decided to give it a try and my first one came out quite nicely so i thought i should make a Lists page cos i imagine there will be more at some stage.

Top 10 Things to do when you forget to take your phone to the toilet – Which one is your favourite?

10 Ways to Ask for a Demotion or Pay Cut at Work – you might not actually want to try these unless you want a new job

10 Ways to Avoid an Unwanted Hug (kiss/backrub) at a wedding/funeral

10 Books [apart from 50 Shades of Grey] that should be sold alongside mine – i don’t know how to warn you…

The Top Ten List of Evil – So not true evil evil, but each of us has a top ten list of things we just REALLY don’t like…

5 Ways to Help You Realise You May Just Be A Troll – Cos, sometimes, in the busyness of Trolling, who can tell?

What List would you like to see me come up with next? Leave it in the Comments…