Remember the last time you logged on to the Twitterer and there wasn’t a #EndOfJustinBieberParty or #SwiftIsOVerParty? Me neither cos it feels like a fun idea that has gotten so old that every day there’s a new one. So we decided to make the most of it and ask YOU what parties you might not expect to see when logging on to the Twitterer…

[The Story So Far: Every Wednesday at 12 noon South African time [6am EDT] an inspired and growing number of brilliant, creative and absolutely fun people from all around the world take part in what is called a Hashtag game. @AFrikkinHashtag [say it out loud] is South Africa’s #1 Hashtag game and is always a lot of fun. The F.L.O.P. [or Fish List Of Prizeworthyness] is the collection of some of the best tweets from each week’s game and is what all seriously comedic Hashtaggers aspire to…]

With John Robb aka @RealStirfryguy as my co-host, we set out to come up with the greatest list of Twitterer parties that went and you certainly all arrived at that party and we had a lot of crazy fun.

John Robb

We sent out the invitation:

hashtag game ad

And gave some examples to get you going:

How about the “Hillary is a great friend of mine” #TrumpPullsOutAndVotesForHillaryParty?

Hillary and Trump

Wow, won’t we all be glad when this circus is over?

Plus of course a customary raiSIN-hating party:

The #BrettEndorsesRaisinsParty would be a completely #UnexpectedTwitterParty and a vicious lie. #RaiSINsAreSoEvil

raisins are evil

John had a few of his own:

And then of course we handed it over to you…

You showed up like masses to a Facebook open party at my parents house and while there were too many to choose all the best from, we did find these ones which we thought were worthy of this week’s:


Shota got the ball rolling with our favourite party:

Grandmaster Zen must have been in a dark space to type these words:

pH1 went for scare tactics:

Shota was all over this game with this unlikely event:

But it was all kinda spoiled for Geff:

Shota seemed to be trying to sort out some ACME problems:

Meanwhile our favourite Bunni had gone a little mad:

Altmidnight brought the rock:

While Daniel seemed a little disappointed:

This just has to be seen to be believed:

While Rob had his head in the stars [wars]:

Bunni was back for more, although seemed a little down:

While Peter could barely contain his excitement:

Grendel was on to something:

While Jayme got us excited, but just for a second:

a believer brought some Misdirection:

Alt Midnight brought the pun-ch:

Hot Rockz held the guest list:

Dreamweasel was clearly and sadly dreaming of a greater place and time:

Craig apparently shared this tweet but for some reason i couldn’t read it?

Radio Free Olive brought one of our favourite words:

Rebel had an interesting idea:

Shota was back with this illegal tweet:

And Bunni Played the Misdirection to full effect:

Joel might be on to something:

Sambo was just talking crazy though:

Jules played some good pun:

Jerry seemed lyrically satisfied:

As did Querty:

And Rob:

Who was also feeling a little optimistic:

Richard… um i have no words for this one:

Havana seemed ready to boogie [or something]:

Mr Christopher spoke about a very venomous affair:

Rebel [ha ha i am literally listening to Spies by Coldplay as i get to this one]:

Or was it Fix you?

Eileenmay not have been entirely in the mood:

While Daniel managed to avoid the bots:

Sand Squatch seemed to have something else on…?

While Cosy was feeling punderful:

Keebler had a perspective:

Jonathan had the right idea:

Although Marshall upped that game:

Craig got a little daring:

Woz was feeling confident:

supereeves read the headlines:

Lou was on form:

AFM was feeling creative:

While Rocky saw us as a political bid:

While Shea was all over the place:

Joe was all about the punctuality and balance:

FZero was struggling to make up his mind:

Klorine definitely knows unexpected:

Kirk was more interested in what happened next:

Jake seemed a little nuts:

Nate was definitely random but related:

And also working hard at assembling the nerds:

While Scott was committed:

Mom was in it for the words:

While Guapo got all poetic on us:

Woz brought some more pun:

Eric was in charge of games:

Shtwd was feeling inclusive:

M/Orpheus clearly has a militant background:

Joey Tomatoes was all location location location [and completely accurate]:

Kim thought we were aiming to high too quick:

And Rob had some conversation starters:

Well done everyone – those are some highly unexpected Twitterer parties and we will definitely be looking out for them so we can be running the other way. However, this week one tweet stood head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes, knees and toes above the rest and so this week’s

TOP F.L.O.P. [your mom will be so proud!] goes to

Cosy for nailing it:

Amazing stuff as always and well done to everyone who F.L.O.P.ped [especially those of you who realise it’s a good thing IN THIS CONTEXT] and all of you for keeping it both FAMILY and amazing in terms of CLEVER and FUNNY, MISDIRECTIONAL and RANDOM [but related] – if you are not yet on the @HashtagRoundup app then i just don’t know what to say… do it!

Also, for South African players, starting next week for the next month, the top South African tweet will be winning an amazing t-shirt from – details to follow – so quite excited as we try grow the game over here…

If you didn’t F.L.O.P. this game there is always tomorrow and i really believe this might be one of the FUNNEST and SILLIEST games we have ever played so stick around…

Much thanks to John Robb for being an excellent co-host, the impressive UnNamed Ones for running last week’s game in my absence and all of you for playing and having so much fun with it…

love brett fish and No_bob [the world’s most famous stuffed dolphin]

And i will leave you with this final thought in the form of a comic from Badly Drawn Lines:

Poorly Drawn Lines