Is it too early in the week to get a little existential?

Meaning of Life God

i’m sitting at my computer this morning trying to get my head around the idea that some people – many people – live life purely for themselves.

i don’t get that. Not because i’m the biggest saint that ever lived or close to it. But simply because i cannot imagine a life that doesn’t take others into account.

It was definitely modelled well for me. Both my parents have always cared about others deeply. My dad is literally the most pastoring pastor i’ve ever met. We have our disagreements and we are very different in many ways, but i have never met anyone who goes out of his way for other people [especially strangers] as much as him.

If i have a friend who is in a car accident, my dad will jump on his motorbike and go and visit them in hospital. In fact what has happened on more than one occasion is that i have had friends who have had friends who have been sick and he has gone to go and visit them – two degrees of separation.

When new people move into their street my folks will pop round with a plate of scones or muffins to welcome them.

So it has definitely been something i’ve grown up in and around.

Meaning of life God

My faith definitely has something [a lot] to do with it. i know a lot of people are not necessarily big fans of Christianity but i hold to the fact that that is more often because of how it hasn’t been lived out as it should be, rather than because it has.

But love it or hate it, the biggest commandment we have is, ‘Love God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind. And love your neighbour as yourself.’ We are then told in a cool little story from Jesus that everyone is our neighbour, especially those in need. We are told to love our enemies [and bless those who persecute us] and we are told to make a practical difference to all those considered the least of these [the ones in the example story include the hungry and naked and stranger and in hospital and in prison].

As a follower of Jesus life is about caring for other people. We are told to serve one another in love.

So faith plays a huge part.

Meaning of life cartoon

But than i feel like just as a person, as a human being, it is something that is in me. i was trying to get my head around this while i was driving yesterday. Some people within the Christian faith believe we are all created evil and have to find God and good. Others believe we are created good and find evil quite naturally and have to find God and good.

So i was thinking of a baby and a small child and when does it become bad, or discover bad? This might be an easier one for the parents to answer because they have had closer observation of the process. But i imagine a lot of it is modelled. A kid drawing on the wall is surely just naughty, not bad. Or doing what comes naturally. But once a parent has said, “Don’t draw on the wall” and the kid does, then i guess it’s bad.

In a world where so much celebration is giving to a child making a poo, maybe that’s where it starts. The message that i am center stage. That this thing is all about me. Every tiny little random ‘achievement’ is celebrated. Some kids seem to naturally share things [or was that taught?] but a lot of kids want the toy and the cake and the sweet and the attention.

Life meaning quote

We see it in grownups too. So many people making a real effort in Cape Town at the moment and living relatively uncomfortably [in terms of what they are used to] in terms of trying to make a difference because of water shortages. And other people seemingly completely oblivious. Or just couldn’t be bothered.

So many people making a huge difference working with those less privileged than them, whether homeless or toiletless or struggling with education or health. And then so many more who seem to only be living hedonistic lifestyles. Party, sport, eat out, function, gym, bigger better and faster toys, luxurious restaurants…

Race conversations with so many people really making an effort to recognise where privilege is a part of their lives [whether they want it or not] and are making an effort to step towards, to bridge gaps, to learn languages, to build deeper friendships, to expand the voices that inform and entertain them and so on… and so many who keep trying to shut the conversation down and just want us to pretend that everything is okay and moved on and refuse to take real time to listen honestly and look deeply into the mirror and work on the things that are giving back a negative reflection.

And so on.

i guess what makes it easier for me, is that i know so many people, so many, who live so selflessly and really do make a huge effort to improve the lives of others in so many different ways. i think i’m attracted to them – i want to spend time with people who pour themselves out for the benefit of others, who strive to make this a better world for future generations, who refuse to give in to hopelessness and a constant stream of finger pointing but instead choose to become a part of the change.

One of the biggest problems is that the majority of people who read this far are more than likely the ones who don’t need to. Because you likely get it. You are living for others. You are involved in race conversations and building relationships. You are part of making a difference in planet earth, so that there can be a planet earth for the next crew. So maybe the most likely way of getting this in front of those who need to read it is by sharing it or tagging someone in it and asking their opinion.

Who or what are you living for?

Have a most excellent week.

love brett fish