When it comes to Valentine’s Day you can’t find many people who don’t have strong feelings about it either way. Love it or hate it here is the Facebook status i wrote this morning to everyone i know and love:

To all my friends, single, with someone or married, i see you.

May you feel especially loved and celebrated on this day regardless of the relationship status you are currently experiencing or that which you wish you were, if different.

You are important and loved and appreciated because you are you.

i also hope this day might contain chocolate in some form, preferably of the melted variety and here is my gift to you:

# One slab Top Deck or suitable raiSIN-free equivalent.

# One bag Smartie eggs – if you’re not in South Africa you may have to stoop to M & Ms.

  • Break slab into pieces and if possible, break pieces in half. Put in a microwaveable bowl and nuke for 30 seconds. Stir and repeat. Add Smartie eggs and repeat. Then in 20 to 30 second increments continue with the melting and stirring until done, being careful not to melt.
  • Most important part is to grab a TEASPOON and a friend if one is nearby – and another teaspoon – and enjoy.
  • If you have gotten it just right the Smartie eggs will sloosh in your mouth as you bite into them. Mmm…

You’re welcome.

i see you. Stop me if it gets creepy.

Also, this great post on my Facebook wall from my friend Heidi:

Bacon Valentines

How do YOU feel about Valentine’s Day? Let us know in the comments…