
i kissed dating, part how far is too far? [part I]

Belgium. i would say that Belgium is probably TOO FAR. Unless you're in Holland, cos then it's just like down the road or something... But in our recent history or being asked to speak or lead workshops on relationships, THE ONE QUESTION that the beautiful val and i GET ASKED WITHOUT FAIL is this one: HOW FAR IS TOO FAR? And the answer is very simple. ASK A BETTER QUESTION! Because with 'How far is [...]

By |2018-12-14T13:40:41+02:00March 19th, 2011|love and chocolate, relationships|8 Comments

i kissed dating, part good, positive, successful break-ups [WHAT?]

Continuing the series on Christ-following dating, trying to look at PRINCIPLES THAT WILL HELP MAKE IT EASIER for us to date more successfully and healthy'ly... I want to look at THE BREAK-UP which we see as a NEGATIVE THING, right? "Francesca and Orville broke up? Aw shame, sorry guys" is the general response we have to that [especially if the dating couple was Francesca and Orville, otherwise we may have used other names]. But I [...]

By |2018-12-14T13:39:53+02:00March 18th, 2011|love and chocolate, relationships|4 Comments

i kissed dating, part marriagewards

this will be a quick one but it is an important principle... those of you who are still in high school who are reading this will - more than likely - not be thinking about marriage at this stage of your lives and why should you? well here is one reason... the PURPOSE OF DATING, as i see it, is for the most part to determine whether the person you are dating is a SUITABLE [...]

By |2018-12-14T13:38:53+02:00March 17th, 2011|love and chocolate, relationships|5 Comments

i kissed dating, part Vision/Values essential, passion helpful

continuing with a look at the whole dating thing and how JESUS-FOLLOWERS NEED TO BE UPPING THEIR GAME, transforming their lives thru A RENEWING OF THEIR MINDS and being part of creating a BETTER, HEALTHIER SYSTEM OF DATING... this one is closely linked to the previous one which was about dating someone who has JESUS AS THEIR NUMBER ONE, which is ESSENTIAL, and it deals with a sense of compatability looking specifically at VISION AND [...]

By |2018-12-14T13:38:11+02:00March 15th, 2011|love and chocolate, relationships|6 Comments

dating Q & A: where have all the good (christian) men gone? [more reply]

working thru anonymous email - continuing with part 2... Then you look at the girls who are dating. Just have a look around in churches and think about it. I’ve actually heard a sermon being preached on dating, where the pastor said that we should make ourselves attractive for the opposite sex. At one point he basically said ” so you girls who are slightly overweight, don’t be too upset if you’re not dating” . [...]

By |2018-12-14T13:36:26+02:00March 14th, 2011|love and chocolate, relationships|7 Comments

dating Q & A: where have all the good (christian) men gone? [the reply]

hey anonymous friend thankx for the email and the sharing and the questions - some hectic and hardcore and challenging questions indeed and i don't want to patronise you in the slightest by assuming i have the answers to all of them, if any of them, but i do have some thorts and i hope you will find them helpful and instructive. One of my main issues that I have with dating in the church [...]

By |2018-12-14T13:33:27+02:00March 14th, 2011|love and chocolate, relationships|4 Comments

i kissed dating, part number one thing

i believe it is imperative that THE NUMBER 1 THING IN YOUR LIFE IS THE NUMBER 1 THING IN HER LIFE [i'm talking guy to girl here, but all of this flows both ways] when it comes to passion and interests and hobbies and so on there is room to have differing, even at times opposing interests, but NOT WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR PRIMARY FOCUS and joy and directional force. in the context of [...]

By |2018-12-14T13:31:42+02:00March 14th, 2011|change the world, love and chocolate, relationships|10 Comments

i kissed dating, part get to know the person first

i really believe this is ONE OF THE FUNDAMENTAL KEYS to a REVOLUTIONISED SYSTEM OF DATING... there is a trend that happens specifically in christian contexts (altho i am sure there are equivalent secular contexts that promote the same thing - like actors making a movie together for example) which contributes to a lot of debris in relationships WHICH COULD EASILY BE AVOIDED... the mathematical equation reads something like 'bunch of christian guys' + 'bunch [...]

By |2018-12-14T13:37:22+02:00March 14th, 2011|change the world, love and chocolate, relationships|13 Comments

can't i just enjoy this big thing first?

what is with people and 'the next big thing?' - you've been single forever and you finally get yourself a girlfriend and within a month or two (especially if you're older) people are like, "so, when's the big day?" you get married and within a month or two (way before the plans settle on any kind of one year wedding anniversary preparation) it's the knowing smirks and, "so, kids hey?" and so on, and those [...]

By |2011-02-12T22:00:35+02:00February 12th, 2011|and other animals., life|9 Comments

How to Love your Woman better part ‘Saying it’

If you are married: Tell her you love her. Tell her often. Don't ever get bored or tired or let it become a cliche (or a quiche cos that would be weird) and so mean it every time. But say the words. Don't assume she knows. Tell her again. If you are dating: Don't tell her you love her, til you really mean it. And that might mean different things to different people but love [...]

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