
Taboo Topics: Pornography/Masturbation – meet Jaco Hall

God is really good and just loves us too much to let these things pass under the radar! I was also exposed to pornography at a young age (Probably around 11/12) and the seed was planted. It was not so much the pornography I got addicted to, but masturbation. My mind was so contaminated with thoughts of masturbation, and my imagination was enough to keep me going! The odd e-tv movie or two every month [...]

By |2012-08-07T06:47:27+02:00August 7th, 2012|God stuff, Taboo Topics, thorts of other people|3 Comments

Taboo Topics: Pornography/Masturbation – meet me

this may be one of the tabooist topics [especially in the church, not a lot of sermons preached on this in my experience] and it's time to bring it into the light. i have a story to share and i am hoping that this will help people towards a journey of healing, restoration, self-forgiveness, hope and sexual purity. i do wish my story went something like this - i used to struggle with pornography and [...]

By |2012-08-04T10:28:13+02:00August 4th, 2012|activities, and other animals., God stuff, Taboo Topics|13 Comments
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