
for the sake of the chores

so i have been married for about 14 months yesterday and i still completely highly recommend it if it is to the right person - it is not always easy - it is sometimes really hard - but it is incredible and the pros definitely outbeat-up-and-leave-bleeding-behind-the-shed the cons... and i love the beautiful Val - really feel privileged and lucky and amazed that i have someone like her in my life... yay. the one thing [...]

By |2010-09-12T09:42:04+02:00September 12th, 2010|life, love and chocolate, marriage, the beautiful Val (tbV)|2 Comments

marriage to the right person – highly recommendable

so in exactly one week's time i will have been married to the beautiful Val for exactly one year - and what a year it's been! as i say often to people - 'marriage is highly recommended... to the right person!' and the 'to the right person' bit is the key - not cos i believe in any kind of God-brings-this-person-and-that-person-together necessarily or that i believe that there is only one 'the one' as opposed [...]

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