Time flies: You can’t, they move too fast. [Think about it].

But yes, that would be an accurate description of my life, at least since we returned to South Africa in August of 2014. Non stop.

i sit with things i want to do, things i need to do, a physical pile of books to be read [a whole lot that i have to provide reviews for on my blog], people i want to see, events i want to run and so on and it just. does. not. stop.

i have found myself shouting at myself any time i utter the words, “When things slow down” because it seems like they never will.

Anyways, this is not a tip that will work for everyone, but it is something that always helps me to be more productive and so i thought it was worth sharing, because IF EVEN ONE PERSON… you know the drill.

At the start of my week, i write a list of things i want to accomplish.

That is it. i know it’s not rocket science and all that, but actually for me it kinda is.


Oh, and i DID say this would be ‘Ten Steps to Becoming more Productive’ but that took into account the hope that there would be nine items on your list.

For me, if i know beforehand what i want to achieve i am more likely to achieve it. So at the start of each day, i open a Word document and write a list of 5 to 6 things i am hoping to do [prioritising those i need to do] and then maybe one or two things i would love to get to. And then i look at the list and pick a thing and do it.

If by chance there is one item on the list i don’t get to, it becomes priority one for the next day.

Simple. As. That. But quite profound and useful and rocket scientistry for me.

What is one tip YOU have to help you be more productive when it feels like life is spinning by?