Hello Community,

Well last time we solved the mystery of #WhoReallyLetTheDogsOutAndWhy and it was a LOT of fun and better than we’d had for a while. How do you follow up such a fun game?

You explode the internet – well not quite, but #IWouldLikeToBeBetterAt did trend for a solid nine hours and spent a bunch of that time at number 1 so well done everyone who played.

And a reminder that playing Hashtag Games on the @HashtagRoundup app makes it a lot easier and quicker for you so check that out if you haven’t.

This was a game i played co-host’less [if you have a good following and want to co-host, drop me a line] so i was a little nervous, but with my Nemesis @KeshaTedder always wanting to out-tweet me in the race to the trend [she did, again!] and many of you jumping in and LIKEing and RETWEETING all the FUN, CLEVER, MISDIRECTIONAL and RANDOM ones and helping keep it FAMiLY friendly, we got going really quickly…

Where better to look than Pinterest as a starting place for a tag called #IWouldLikeToBeBetterAt and it did not disappoint:



Pinterest fail

Pinterest fail

i also found these winners:


bad parking

And of course Lady G was going to supply us with at least one pic:

lady gaga

If we’re thinking of things we could get better at, no surprises for guessing Steve Harvey is going to be in there:

steve harvey

And then of course a couple of my own:

sexy legs


Yup, that would be me and my wife, tbV [the beauiful Val] waiting for friends at the airport…

So those are some of the things i and some random strangers would like to be better at, and as mentioned, we soared the heights pretty quickly:

In less than 20 minutes we had reached this:

But not TOO much later until we arrived at the top:

And this is really your scorecard worth feeling good about:

But all that aside, because we know what you REALLY came here for, and so without much further ado about nothing, here is this week’s:


DNS gave away their age a little:

Whereas Humphrey revealed a secret hobby:

Geff would like to be better at tyippingg:

While Minty just hoped for better space bar skillage:

Juggernaut had this simple aim:

Whereas WUDT seemed to have a screw loose, or a foot or something:

Steven is hoping to score points with the Grandma Police:

While Rob is working on his selfishness issues:

SP just wanted what we all want:

John had a confession with his:

Faran’s felt a little more serious:

Which for me was actually one of the highlight’s of this game that i don’t

think i’ve seen as strongly as this before – some of you genuinely sent in

things you would love to be better at and some of you were just quite silly

and IT WAS GREAT – loved the mix of real and make-believe.


Ricdosho has a simple dream for his life:

While Jill just wants to up her skills:


This week had so many great suggestions i had to choose five that ever so slightly fought their way to the top:

WhoBrannigan brought some classic misdirection:

Joshing Stern shared one of the funniest and i-can’t-lookiest pics of the game:

[He failed to disclose whether it was a selfie or not…]

i absolutely LOVED this misdirectional punchline one from Cece:

Straw Donkey reworked the tag to his own needs which i always appreciate:

But for me the best tweet of the game and this week’s F.L.O.P. winner was the simplicity and directness
and perhaps all out honesty of this Chrys Kelly tweet:

Cake. Chrys wants to get better at cake. And who of us does not?

Well played Chrys and well done to everyone else who made it onto this week’s F.L.O.P.

The next game we play i am really looking forward to and so should YOU TOO! And there is hardly any kind of clue in there.

Every Wednesday at 1pm South African time [6am EST] join me @BrettFishA on @AFrikkinHashtag for South Africa’s number 1 Hashtagging Game where we do our best to keep the WIT in the Twitterer. See you soon!