[1] Is there something i can learn today from someone else?

[2] When i stand in front of the mirror and reflect on the person i am in this moment, is there something obvious that needs to change?

[3] Who are the people in my life i can ask about those things that might be more subtle in who i am right now that could perhaps use some attention and work to help make me into a better person?

[4] What is one thing i am doing this week that is going to make life better for someone else?

[5] Is there someone i need to apologise to for something i said or did yesterday?

[6] What is a longer term goal that i am busy working at this week [exercise, relationship, project, dream?]?

[7] Am i living out my beliefs in all areas of my life?

[8] What contradiction or aspect of hypocrisy exists in my life right now?

[9] What addiction am i feeding or caught up in?

[10] What is one aspect of the way i live or the things i believe that is currently being challenged? Am i wrestling that out with my people?