How do you change a country?

Firstly, it has to begin in the mirror. What am i doing to make a difference? How am i spending my time, money, skills and energy and using my things to help make my small space one that builds and grows and inspires and assists?

The key though is asking the question. Or questions.

Big furore happens over Woolworths using some lady’s design for their baby-carrying bags. Within four comments i had read on the situation i had probably changed my mind four times [which is okay – if extra information doesn’t cause us to change our minds we may be doing it wrong!] but what reading all the different responses and comments did for me was help me form some helpful questions.

Is Woolworths in the wrong? Is this a once-off occurrence? Should I boycott Woolworths [or call others to cos I rarely shop there]? Was there an apology? Was it genuine and heartfelt? Is this any different from other companies doing the same thing? 

And so on. For me it is not so much as important that we all arrive at the same endpoint. But it is crucial that we ask the question or questions and really try to understand what is going on, both at an immediate level but also at a systems and structures level as well. 

When we were in Oakland, one of the things we learned from our bossman, Darin Petersen, was to ask better questions.

In fact, my life had been transformed more than a decade previously when at the singles tables at friend’s weddings i moved from asking, “What do you do?” to “What are you passionate about?” which really helped my small talk conversationalism [which i hate, who cares what people do?] to go a lot deeper and revolutionised interactions with people.

So, as Megan suggested above, when you read something on social media that makes you angry or defensive or feel like you need to react more than respond, take a moment to ask yourself, “What is really going on here?” “What is happening inside of me?” “Why am I feeling this way?” “Is there some kind of truth in here that might be uncomfortable for me to recognise or admit to?” And so on.

If we all start asking the questions, and really seeking the honest answers to them, this country will start moving in a much better direction.