A much-anticipated-and-needed trip the Roz Hair Studio happened last week!
This is the story of the new [amazing] hairstyle and hair colour of Brett “Fish” Anderson…
But no good story that ends this well can take place without a horrifying Before picture:

i mean, to be fair, that’s the Instagram version… then there was this:

Not my best work. And especially if you are one Valerie Duffield Anderson – very much not a fan. In my defence, i wore a beanie for the whole of lockdown and so she only really had to see it a few minutes before sleep time every night, quite possibly helping her achieve it quicker.
But every successful Adventure story must have a hero, or in this case a Heroine. Enter Roz Roulstone and Roz Hair Studio.
Little back story. Roz is Val’s hair person. Before we got married [me and Val, not me and Roz] i went to Val’s hair person [different person] to get my hair made purple for the wedding. Which kinda worked in that if you looked hard enough you could make out some purple, kinda, ish. But largely didn’t. Not Val’s fault at all, but heading back to a Val’s person to try and make my hair purple again felt like a bit of a step of faith.
But this is not THAT story and here is the incredible Roz:

To be honest, within minutes i was completely put at ease. Val was a little nervous about me going to another of her people given the wedding mishap but it did not take long at all. For starters, Roz has amazing funky hair and is full of tats and so i am immediately thinking, “Here is someone who gets it. She is not going to be afraid to try something a little out there or edgy and she is not going to hold back!”
My opening line was along the lines of: “Typically when people ask you to colour their hair there is probably the temptation to be subtle or restrained, well i want the opposite of that – i want it to be bright and out there and shiny.” We did not look back.
We chatted so easily and she was so clear in terms of figuring out what i wanted and helping fill the dots when i didn’t know [i am awful at those kinds of explanations] and was totally into me googling different images that helped capture the idea or vibe of what i was thinking.

Journey to the Colour
i went to get my hair coloured purple. i had sent Roz a couple of pictures i found online of the purple i was looking for – more purple red than purple blue. But when i got there we chatted some more about what purple i wanted and how i wanted it and so i started googling.
In terms of style i knew i wanted it shorter with a bit of a semi mohawk vibe in the middle and while in the chair i actually decided to add a shaved line on the side of my hair [just googled this to find out the official name and they call it the “shaved line on the side of my head”] but mostly just gave Roz the freedom to describe options and pick ones i liked.
To be honest i didn’t quite know what she was talking about in terms of the back of my head and when i saw the finished product it was a whole bunch better than i could have imagined. So leaving it to Roz is a winning strategy. She really knows her stuff!
i had been thinking Joker purple [from Batman] but when i googled him i was surprised to see that his hair is pretty much completely green [and what an amazing green!] and it’s his clothes that are purple. So that got me started thinking about purple AND green, especially when i showed Roz and she told me she had a neon green.
i found this picture of a purple and green mix and wasn’t sure if it worked but Roz was adamant that it was a thing and started pouring out ideas of different ways we could do it.

Not a Garage
When i was walking to Roz Hair Studio to get my hair done i had some interesting images in my head. From what Val had said i had this idea in my mind that she had set up her studio in her garage and so i certainly was not expecting what i found.
It may be in the general garage area, but Roz Hair Studio is… well, a hair studio. Could not be more inviting and professional and just a really great place that happens to be literally down the road from us. What a win!

The Studio
Beautiful artwork and just really spaced out it is set up well for times of Pandemic. And i was super impressed with the social distancing and corona awareness that took place. i wore my mask pretty much the whole time except when it had to be moved for cutting around the ear or a quick pic. And there were a max of two clients in the studio at a time.
i was super impressed with Roz’ multi-tasking – while my peroxide was on, she completely took care of a second client and then later when i had the colour on she started on another client – who just happened to be a friend of mine [small world!] and so obviously while she has been hit by the restrictions Roz is making the best of it.
Everything about Roz Hair Studio made me feel comfortable about being there. Super clean and engaging and was offered drinks and really well looked after. i would HIGHLY RECOMMEND this as the place to get your hair cut [even if you’re going for something a little more ‘normal’!]

The Final Product
i left happier than i could have imagined. And asked Roz if i could write this blog post for her. Because obviously as one more business being hit by the Pandemic she could really use more business right now. This feels like a small “Thank-you!” but also a way to highlight and remember this particular hair journey.
The green colour is called Electric Lizard and the purple was a Violet that had to be ordered in. The combo turned out amazing and i’m not sure any of the pics i have taken quite do it justice so know that it is even better in real life than it looks. It definitely looks completely blue on Zoom calls which is so weird. And the green is popping a lot more than photos suggest.
i left super happy. Roz has been amazing in terms of offering to do any changes in the first week or recommending product to keep it looking good and has felt so personable and friendly which is what i think everyone wants in a hairdresser.
Val is definitely a lot more happier than Before Picture days, and really loves the new style and look!
If you’re looking for a place to get your hair cut – and especially if you’re ready to try something bold and new – please give Roz Hair Studio a consideration and tell her “The Joker sent you!” or something like that! You can find her over here and on Instagram Roz is https://www.instagram.com/rozhairstudio/
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