A Good Friday reflection:

A call to remain and lean into the pain that Good Friday speaks of before rushing too quickly to the joy of Resurrection Sunday. Because the pain is where too many people find themselves in the world and it is into that story that God reaches.

Even Jesus, when confronted with a violent death asks if there is not another way. But then chooses to follow the path of pain & death to usher in a kingdom of life. In the place of the most excruciating pain, Jesus finds words to: Forgive them, for they know not what they do!

So sit here a while longer. Embrace silence. Reflection. Hold up a mirror to yourself and see how well you compare to the One who said: Deny yourself, take up your cross daily and follow Me.

Deny the temptation to pursue empire ends to empire problems, but rather embrace the upside-down kingdom that says to be first you need to make yourself last, to love and forgive your enemies, to share what you have, to embrace those on the edges.

Sit in the pain and horror and death of Good Friday knowing that for so many people around the world, this is their daily reality. Invite empathy and compassion and the ability to see and hear and try to understand.

Maybe, in doing so, we help make this Friday Good for someone else…