silly things

A Frikkin Hashtag: #YourHonestTwitterBio

So i've been sick and away and so this one is a little bit late, but herein lies the flop for the Honest Twitterer Bio... It was an absolute pleasure having Mistress Indistarr with us as co-host and she did an amazing job: @indistarr The focus of this week was to come up with a more accurate and honest Bio for your [or someone else's] Twitterer page. For example i wrote one for [...]

A Frikkin Hashtag: #OneThingIdLikeToUnseeIs

What is one thing you would like to unsee? That was the question that @she_nutt and the @AFrikkinHashtag crew asked last week and it was the basis for a really fun game. Otherwise known as Lady Ä, @she_nutt is someone who is always hovering on or around the F.L.O.P. list as she really is a gifted Hashtag player, so we were super amped when she agreed to climb on board the @AFrikkinHashtag train and co-host with me. If you [...]

A Frikkin Hashtag: #IWillTellMyGrandchildrenAboutTheTime

What stories will you be telling your grandchildren? [The Story So Far: Every Wednesday at 12 noon South African time [6am EDT] an inspired and growing number of crazy people from all around the world take part in what is called a Hashtag game. @AFrikkinHashtag [say it out loud] is South Africa’s #1 Hashtag game and is always a lot of fun. The F.L.O.P. [or Fish List Of Prizeworthyness] is the collection of some of [...]

A Frikkin Hashtag: #DontPanicButRather

Every Wednesday at 12 noon South African time [6am EDT] an inspired and growing number of crazy people from all around the world take part in what is called a Hashtag game. @AFrikkinHashtag [say it out loud] is South Africa's #1 Hashtag game and is always a lot of fun. The F.L.O.P. [or Fish List Of Prizeworthyness] is the collection of some of the best tweets from each week's game and is what all seriously [...]

A Frikkin Hashtag: #AutocorrectASentence

Ever have a bad autocorrect moment? You meant to type, "Hey that felt a little mean" and autocorrect changes it to "You stupid cow, you ruined my life." Happens to all of us. Hopefully we catch most of them before we hit send, but with the busyness and rush of life a lot of them escape our attention before it's too late. But the Internet remembers... and so we decided to have some fun with that [...]

A Frikkin Hashtag: #PoemYourLife

Roses are red Violets are blue I poemed some Hashtags AND SO. DID. YOU. That's right - we decided to dig into the poetic nature of the @AfrikkinHashtag community and you guys pitched up [and some surprise guests and visitors who we hope will be back!] - had a few of the Unnamed Community [my secret back room of hashtag elves who appear every Wednesday and secretly make sure that the game runs to perfection [...]

A Frikkin Hashtag: #LetMeImproveYourDayBy

Another Wednesday, another Hashtag game... well hopefully not just another hashtag game - we continue to do everything we can to make @AFrikkinHashtag stand out as a game that has that little bit of its own flavour and it's all of you that make that possible. This week my co-host, the incredible Kathleen Adams aka @KattFunny [and i'm not just saying that - take five minutes and go and read her incredible story of recovery [...]

A Frikkin Hashtag: Obit Yourself

When you die, what obituary are you hoping to receive? Taking a leaf out of Parks and Rec's Tom Haverford's "Treat Yo'self" day and with inspiration from my wife, tbV [aka The Beautiful Val] we came up with this week's game tag of #ObitYourself and as always everyone came to the party. Super stoked to have Hashtag game legend Lisa Taylor aka @mseric co-hosting with me and she was an amazing co-host: Her Twitterer bio [...]

A Frikkin Hashtag: #ThatsNotAMonsterUnderYourBedIts

This week it was Nisha Nazim aka @NishaNazim all the way from India who agreed to co-host my game... "Known to be a music junkie with a passion for singing. Bookish and I always follow my gut instinct. Just another Grammar Enthusiast who loves soccer... " Although i also found out she has a You Tube channel you should all take a look at... And once again, with a growing team calling themselves The Unnamed Ones and [...]

A Frikkin Hashtag: #StrangelyAccurateHoroscope

Is a horoscope something that affects your life? This week i had the alien-shaped [in his avatar pic at least] beautifully named Fungus the Bogeyman aka @bigstevie1967 join me as co-host to see... and what fun we had... My co-host this week was @bigstevie1967 aka Fungus the Bogeyman, the name of a well known Raymond Briggs character - whereas Stevie is just a character ! He's a total sports nut with a primary interest in football [...]

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