
two kittens and a love for the church

sounds like the beginning of a cheesy christian greeting card... but it's not... more years ago than i can remember at will, i was hanging out with my friend sean tucker and he had just gotten two new kittens and i suggested names for them and Darth [the black one] and Catspurr [the friendly cat, and the white one] were born... wait, they had already been born but they were named... years later, sean and [...]

Cursive Wry T'ings

so TBV (the beautiful Val, my lovely wife) and i arrive at a pastor's breakfast this morning and as we walk upto one of the pastors there he looks at her and says says something along the lines of, 'So you have to put up with this hey?' or some other kind of jesty vibe dunno-what-to-say-so-let-me-open-my-mouth-and-see-what-spews-forth witty reparte'... he was trying to be funny and it was fine... but a little while later they were [...]

By |2009-11-13T12:10:43+02:00November 13th, 2009|relationships|3 Comments
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