
I Write What I Like – Steve Biko: Part human face

Another passage from the chapter titled 'Some African Cultural Concepts': 'Yet it is difficult to kill the African heritage. There remains, in spite of the superficial cultural similarities between the detribalised and the Westerner, a number of cultural characteristics that mark out the detribalised as an African. I am not here making a case for separation on the basis of cultural differences. I am sufficiently proud to believe that under a normal situation, Africans can [...]

Taboo Topics: Race

i wasn't originally thinking of this as a Taboo Topic topic. but then when i started looking on the book of faces for people to write for me and had friends using terms like 'can of worms' and 'Pandora's Box' to describe what i was suggesting, it made me wonder if that is not exactly where it needs to go. is no one speaking about this? having lived in Americaland for the last three years [in diverse and mixed [...]

By |2014-04-11T07:30:02+02:00April 11th, 2014|Taboo Topics, thorts of other people|49 Comments
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