Mental Health

A Frikkin Hashtag: #YouMakeItEasierWhen

Every year we partner with the #BellLetsTalk movement for a day of Hashtagging Games that help raise awareness and money for mental health in Canada - this was the third time we have been involved and a record-breaking amount of money was raised and it also gave us the chance to run a very positive and uplifting game... [The Story So Far: Every Wednesday at 12 noon South African time [6am EDT] an inspired and growing number [...]

By |2018-04-10T11:26:40+02:00April 10th, 2018|AFrikkinHashtag, games & Stuff, Hashtag Game|0 Comments

Taboo Topic: Mental Illness – the tattoo

This post is from a good friend of mine who asked to remain anonymous. It is such a powerful glimpse into the behind-the-scenes struggles of someone struggling with mental illness and really gave me a lot to think about: there are lots of reasons why people get tattoos. I have two tattoos. They are a part of me. They express deep pain and have indescribable meaning to me. I love it when people ask me [...]

By |2017-04-28T06:08:16+02:00April 28th, 2017|Taboo Topics, thorts of other people|1 Comment

Taboo Topic: Mental Health – meet Ross Moorhouse

i met Ross online as a Hashtag Game player of note and pretty soon he joined my crew of UnNamed Ones [Sh!] which is basically code for people who have co-hosted a game of @AFrikkinHashtag [which happens every Wed on the Twitterer]. i can't even remember how it came up, but i invited Ross to share some glimpses into his life as someone who has lived with someone he loves who has mental health issues [...]

By |2017-03-29T13:10:22+02:00March 29th, 2017|Taboo Topics|2 Comments

Taboo Topic: Mental Health – Intro

It has been a while since i have added a new Taboo Topic so just a quick reminder: The idea behind TT was not so much topics that are taboo in and of themselves as much as it was about highlighting stories and shared experiences from a range of topics that tend not to be spoken about much. So some of them may be more taboo than others, but some are simply things we should be [...]

By |2017-05-03T18:16:05+02:00March 29th, 2017|inspire-ations, Taboo Topics|3 Comments

A Frikkin Hashtag: #WhenIAmDown

What happens when you are down? This was a super special game for us as we decided to invite the entire Hashtagging community to join us [so many did] and we unofficially partnered with the #BellLetsTalk focus on Mental Health issues, helping to raise both focus and support. [The Story So Far: Every Wednesday at 12 noon South African time [6am EDT] an inspired and growing number of brilliant, creative and absolutely fun people from all around [...]

By |2017-02-15T09:01:15+02:00February 15th, 2017|AFrikkinHashtag, Hashtag Game, inspire-ations|0 Comments
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