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Taboo Topics: Abortion – meet Irma Oosthuizen

When I started thinking about having children and even long before.. I would never have guessed that the word abortion would ever be part of my vocabulary. I am definitely pro-life, and have been an active advocate against abortions, even doing speeches and presentations on the matter. I always thought that it was a black and white issue, and I am sure that for most people it still might be… I kind of wish that [...]

Taboo Topics: Abortion – meet Dani

I read the post from the friend of yours who is still in so much pain over losing her baby and it made me feel so much less alone. She puts into words so much of how i'm feeling. Words that I haven't had for the last 7 months. I had an abortion. I never thought those words would apply to me. But they do. I desperately wanted my baby. But the doctors told me [...]

By |2012-08-15T05:28:16+02:00August 15th, 2012|God stuff, Taboo Topics, thorts of other people|4 Comments
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