
New Years National Resolution

I think the best time of the year for one to make their resolutions it is none other than the beginning of each year. Each year most people individually makes these resolutions in accordance to ones aspirations and endeavors. I think just as much as personal resolutions are made also nations resolutions are as important. I think if we can have our nations resolutions we can possible have the national goal, a prize that we all as the nation can look unto.

Our personal resolutions should be made so as to be a way to achieve our national goal. Our national resolution should be that as a nation we will stop focusing our energies on things that do not matter, enough is enough. Our national resolutions should be that as a nation we will build our nation from a solid ground and not lies, enough is enough. Our resolution should be that as a nation truth will be our point of departure in every problem that we are facing and that truth is that we are and we have been a broken nation, no more lies. Our resolution for this year as South Afrika should be to daily denounce the lies that we will be told by the mainstream media, the politicians and the church itself because the truth is we are a broken nation, enough about lies enough.

As a nation we further resolve that we have no freedom in this country up until a day will come when poverty and sickness is not black and wealth and health is not white. We further resolve that there is no freedom in this country until a day when employer is no longer white and the employee black, enough is enough. We further resolve that South Afrika is far from freedom until a day where black people will no longer be seen as instruments to white enrichment but as humans with emotions and capabilities. We further resolve that freedom in South Afrika remains an Afrikan dream until a day when quality education will not be a privilege and a commodity but a right to all including the black people.

We further resolve that we as the nation will condemn the evil tendencies that have been witnessed throughout the black and white encounters in work places, where the energies of the black people were used up and then creation of a venomous animals in the black man that are unleashed at the end of each working day, enough is enough. We say that the working environment will now be the place we all call home away from home. We also say that employment equity is just a modern day mesmerizing rhetoric until land is shared equally amongst all.

Also throughout the years we have seen so many campaigns that has ended to nothing. We have heard of campaigns against gangsterism and it has happened to almost all the places where gangsterism is the problem yet in our daily experience we know that gangsterism is. We have also heard of campaigns against the child and women abuse which may include “16 days of activism against women and child abuse” yet women are abused. We have also heard of campaigns against drug abuse and this has ended to nothing yet, because drugs are still abused. We know of Treatment Action Campaign that is common in every corner of our communities yet HIV and AIDs remains high in our very communities. Now this year we declare that all the useless campaigns that derail us from the actual campaign will no longer be valid for us this year, enough is enough. These useless campaigns are forced down our throats by the mainstream media which has been able to control our minds as Malcolm X would put it “They put our minds in bags and then they carry them to where-ever they want them to be”. But we declare that this year is the year of land, the father of all campaigns.

We are also well aware of how corrupt is the ANC, we condemn every act of corruption that is continuing under the current leadership. We also note and declare that its not like when Zuma is removed as the president of the country the country will change, No!. We are aware that its not like when Zuma has paid the R246million that was used in Nkandla then all the South Afrikan problems will vanish, No! Yet we do condemn the acts of corruption yet we are never derailed from the actual corruption and crime, because we are well aware that the greatest corruption that ever happened in South Afrika happened in the 1990’s in what we normally refer to as the transformation years. We are well aware that the greatest crime occurred during that time when both the white man was cheated and the black was cheated. We are well aware that the white man was reconciled with the stolen privilege and the black man reconciled with pain and suffering to such an extent that pain and suffering of black has seemed to be normality. Landlessness is not a normal thing!

This year we say that the land which is the father of all injustice will be our main campaign. This year will be the year where we will declare that the land must be shared. This year will be the year where we will say that landlessness is violence. This year will be the year where we will say that there is no peace for the people with no land and that is why we say South Afrika is not a peaceful country. This year is the year where we will say that freedom is defined by land and peace is defined by freedom and freedom is land.

This year will be the year where we will say that the pain of land that affects Generations must come to an end. We say that land was the crime that was committed against us and land is the pain we are feeling today and this is happening to us as South Afrika for we have taken up one of the oldest slogans of the struggle “an injury to one (race) is an injury to all” (races). We know that people with no land have no dignity hence we have witnessed in the past years of continuous Kafferisation. We are also aware that people with no land have no identity, land must shared.

This year will be the year that we will say land first.

[To see what Avuyile dreams for South Africa, click here]