Last night i was a Combine Harvester. Or was it a Combined Harvester. Hard to tell.
But then i was also a Scottish Horseman slash barman who got slashed but if it all took place in the walk someone took in their mind, did it really happen at all?
i was washed up on a desert island and within 12 minutes had managed to start a fire and burn all of our clothes. Yes, ALL of our clothes.
i sang a Duet titled ‘Koeksuster Waffle’ although with my literal fish memory i managed to forget the title in about 40 seconds and it really is quite a monumental effort backpeddling from having sung ‘Pancake Waffle’ and then being reminded by your singing partner that there should be a Koeksuster in there…
What else? Oh yes, we finished off the Improv show with a game called ‘Movie with a character’ where we asked the audience for their favourite character from the show – they picked Tandi’s Scottish bride from the horseman scene and we made a short movie with her as the central character, although added in the style of Sci Fi to make it a little more interesting… and that ended up being a multi dimensional quite bizarre little romp…
And we get to do it all again tonight… the wonders of Improv.
If you haven’t quite figured out yet what i’m talking about, it is a two evening set of TheatreSports shows that my Improv group Improguise is performing at the Masque Theatre in Muizenberg [second show tonight, a bunch of tickets left… come watch!] which was a whole lot of fun.
Making stuff up on a stage for people who have paid actual money to watch you make stuff up on a stage? What a fun way to spend an evening. And all the more delightful because it can go absolutely anywhere, and really did.
The other team, in addition to the games i have spoken about, performed an interview where someone spoke about a bird book he had written particularly focusing on ostriches, crows and owls [as one does] while another team mate interpreted the whole thing into a made up sign language, they had someone invent a hairbrush out of superglue [which a team member who was out of the room had to guess without them saying “hair”, “brush” or “superglue”] and probably my favourite game of all, Jonathan’s lisp where every S in the entire scene was replaced with a T [so “sister” became “titter” and “Stop it” became “Ttop it”] as they performed a soap opera [Tope Opera] with two siblings [Tiblings] and an inheritance [inheritance, yes that one didn’t change cos no S]…
And we get to do it all again tonight…
In March we will be performing our annual Improguise Festival where we do longer individual shows and so on the one night we will be performing a complete made-up documentary, another night we will be doing a period piece and a third night we will be doing our first ever Tribute Band show which will even include made up songs… plus three nights of other shows… if you’ve never experienced one of our longer shows, you definitely want to make a turn past there.
And shortly after that the incredible Megan Furniss and Tandi Buchan will be hosting another Improv course [which everyone should do once in their lives – builds confidence, breaks inhibitions, increases creativity, just a wonderful and educational time] which you should seriously consider signing up for [worth every cent!]
But in the meantime i will be preparing mentally [and voice’ally, hoping it holds out] to head back out again tonight and do it all again. And it is not too late to book!
Hope to see you there… in 5….4……3…..2…..1….
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