For me, Christmas is a reminder that Love came down. Love got its hands dirty. Love got involved. Love interrupted the normal flow of things. Love reached out specifically to all of those that society, culture, religion and government pushed to the sides. Love allowed itself to be interrupted while on mission. Love called out injustice. Love refused to accept the status quo. Love turned over tables in the face of greed and extortion. Love wept. Love got down on its knees and washed feet. Love broke bread and shared meals. Love taught. Love told stories. Love listened. Love saw you in the middle of a bustling crowd. Love denied self for other. Love chose death over compromise. Love calmed storms. Love spoke hope. Love inspired community. Love brought extreme views in people into the same space and made them travelling companions.

You may not believe what i believe. But i imagine that there is not too much in that above list that you would have too much of a problem with. That Love that i speak of is Jesus. The call and obligation that Jesus puts on us is to love Like Jesus did. Til death do us unite.

May You know the deep and transforming Love of Jesus in and through me. And may you forgive me for any time i have shown you anything else.


= = = = = = = = =

Crisis is
Crime mist
Cries missed
Christ miss?
Christ mass

Baked Bread
Break Bread

Re member
Ream ember

Now fan that very spark into a roaring flame
Burn with a passion that surpasses religion
With an intensity that consumes tradition
And with a humility that defies distraction
Seeking to surrender yourself to the call
In body, soul, strength and mind
For the sake of a kingdom 
Greater than any this world has to offer
And in the face of a king
Who appeared as a baby
And left as a lamb-shaped mark above your door
Silencing the death that was to come
And demanding that it pass on by
Leaving this home untouched
So that those who live here
In a temporary fashion
May be emboldened 
To go out
To be
The very fragrance and shadow
Of the One who stepped aside for us
From this day forth
In every which way
And manner
And means.
