Brett “Fish” Anderson has a YouTube channel.
Which, like my blog, contains a little bit of everything, rather than dealing with one specific topic or issue.
It’s a place where i like to have fun and hopefully make others laugh or smile or roll their eyes but with a joyous attitude, and it’s a place i like to try use to challenge, inspire and invite people to think about living life differently.

Me on the YouTube
The most popular series i put together – with unfortunately very bad quality cos it was back in the day and i didn’t have the marginally better skills and resources that i do today – was one called Dangerous Things You Can Least Expect where my alter ego, Brad Fish, would take an ordinary every-day thing that tends to be harmless – like paper, ice-cream, camping etc – with the best of them being when he tackled the fact that there is too much violins in the world [and not quite enough sax] which you can watch over here.
Race with me was another fun series i did, also in the time of mediocre technology and skills and only ran to a few episodes but with a super amazing Intro which i hope to revisit someday soon and which was provided by the skills of Studio Bolland. Great title though.
More recently i have revived a character i really enjoy whose name is Erik [with a K] who is a badly-german-accented man who reads poetry that people recommend by largely shouting it. His most popular video was The Jaberwocky, but most recently he staged a comeback with the Dr Seuss tongue-twister Fox in Socks, which prompted a few parents suggesting he does the works of Dr Seuss and so i am busy trying to track them down…
A few years ago i worked my way through the book of Mark in the Bible in a series of short videos aptly named, Mark: my words which was a really good series, but again not great technology quality vibes although you do get to see me when i had dreads, which is a bonus! i have recently started a similar series working through the book of Luke with the title, Luke: What i see [#ISeeWhatIDidThere] with a cute little intro i designed but with music from my friend Kevin Smuts who is super talented in this area. The idea is just reading the next couple of verses in the chapter and then giving my perspective, ideas or thoughts on what i see going on. The invitation with these is for other people to do the walk with me and add their own thoughts and reflections.
That’s pretty much what i have going on with YouTube at the moment and i try to balance those with Facebook Live chats that i often do on a Monday based on whatever topical issues are bouncing around in my head or on the net at the time. The hope is that some of the people who enjoy or benefit from content i produce might decide to get on board and back me as patrons, so that i can continue to create content for free but be able to up my equipment and production so that it continues to get better.
Which of these YouTube video series excited you the most? And if you were going to watch an Erik [with a K] poetry video, what poem would you like him to do for you? Answer in the comments below and hope to see you on the other side of the screen…
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