As we were getting ready for bed last night i was taking a look at the Twitterer and saw what was going down at the Capitol in America as white supremacists stormed the building where Congress was validating the election results. We spent the next hour or so glued to our phones as we tried to make sense of the chaos that was happening over there.
i have some thoughts and opinions, but for me this was an event that can be well summed up by some of the tweets and images that caught the heart of the event and the surrounding issues from a number of different angles: serious, comedic, absolute disbelief, absolute confirmation of what many outside of America have known for years.
There are way too many good ones to share, but these are some of the standout tweets and images i saw which give some kind of understanding and context to last night’s events.

Kaepernick: *kneels quietly*
Trump: “Get that son of a bitch off the field.”
MAGA: *breaks window on Captiol Building*
Trump: “We love you. You’re very special.”
— let the anti-coup begin! (@andrehenry) January 6, 2021
You want to see an example of white privilege? Turn on CNN right now. And then imagine for a second that these Capitol Hill “protesters” were Black or Muslim.
— Stefan Ferreira 🏳️🌈 (@stefanf28) January 6, 2021
One of these was called unpatriotic and the other is being called a peaceful protest by Fox News today. (NBC/Getty)
— Tinsley (@AgentTinsley) January 6, 2021
It’s the way a country that kidnapped and enslaved human beings keeps saying “this is not who we are” for me.
— Candice Marie Benbow (@CandiceBenbow) January 7, 2021
This is perhaps my favourite tweet of the whole session:
Why y’all keep asking where the police at? Y’all ask where Miley’s at when Hannah’s on stage?
— Beytwicé (@lotoysrus) January 6, 2021
Didn’t think anything could make me feel worse about the day…
— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) January 7, 2021
A woman was shot.
The US Capitol was raided.
By force.Offices of congresspeople were broken into.
Confidential materials were stolen.
It’s truly one of the whitest moments in modern American history.
— Shaun King (@shaunking) January 6, 2021
@BreeNewsome climbed a pole in S Carolina to pull down a confederate flag and was called a terrorist. White supremacists climbed the Capitol walls in a coup and are called protesters.
— janayathefuture (@janaya_khan) January 6, 2021
At one point they had three tasers trained on me just to protect the confederate flag 🥴
— the capitol’s not secure, the coup’s still ongoing (@BreeNewsome) January 6, 2021
This is another one that i thought was absolutely brilliant in terms of summing things up:
Well that escalated steadily for four years.
— Ed Stern. BTLM. (@EdStern) January 6, 2021

One of the biggest takeaways from last night was the commentary on the difference in police response when protesters are majority black and when they are majority white and we have seen this in the way stories are reported, in the words and terms used when discussing black and white crime, in the photographs accompanying stories of black or white people who have committed a crime and more. Whiteness and white supremacy are ideologies that are so powerful and so entrenched in world and especially American media and as one person commented, “White supremacy is not the shark, it is the water.”
This is what fascism looks like.
— Anand Giridharadas (@AnandWrites) January 6, 2021
Another tweet that with a tiny asterisk sums up the above:
‘When the looting starts, the shooting starts’*
*𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘺
— Fuzzy (@coolieduppy) January 6, 2021
We're not asking for you to shoot them like you shoot us.
We're asking you to NOT shoot us like you don't shoot them.— Tye Winters, DO (@tmswDO) January 7, 2021
This was the capitol’s security when there were black protestors on the streets
— William LeGate 🇺🇸 (@williamlegate) January 6, 2021
So damn tired of living in a country that treats Black grief as a threat and white rage as a sacrament
— Rev. Jacqui Lewis, PhD (@RevJacquiLewis) January 7, 2021
There seemed to be a lot of shock and surprise being registered by many [white] Americans as if this was something new they were seeing for the first time, but from African Americans and many of us across the rest of the world, this was not a surprising thing:
No, America, take it from the rest of the world, this really is who you are
— Irina Dumitrescu (@irinibus) January 6, 2021
It’s not “against everything America stands for” to launch a coup, it’s just a novelty to try it at home.
— Ronan Burtenshaw (@ronanburtenshaw) January 6, 2021
Let there be no confusion about this: this is Trump’s legacy. This is what he has enabled and inspired. This is what he meant by “Make America Great Again”. This is white supremacy. This is the right wing. This is terrorism.
— Robyn Porteous (@RobynPorteous) January 7, 2021
I remember walking down a dirt road with babies and grandmothers at Standing Rock where we were met by a row of army tanks and assault rifles.
Police know how to hold the damn line when they want to.
— Rebecca Nagle (@rebeccanagle) January 7, 2021
I don’t think diversity training can fix this.
— Badia Ahad PhD (@BadiaAhad) January 6, 2021
this is the "fa" we were "anti", by the way
— noah. (@Noahbout_it) January 6, 2021

In the midst of absolute chaos and the threat and fear of violence you sometimes just need to also hold on to a sense of humour to avoid being overwhelmed. What is amazing about the Twitterer as a space is that you get the serious and the chaotic and the conspiracy and the humour all mixed up together and so you can get a feel of what is going on, but also take a moment to appreciate the lighter side of the story. Coming upp for air as it were. And these are some the tweets that did this for me:
It’s only a coup if it comes from the Coup region of France. Otherwise it’s just sparkling white privilege.
— Adeline Levescot (@ads_infinitum) January 6, 2021
Elect a clown.. expect a circus,
— Samira Sawlani (@samirasawlani) January 6, 2021
Anyone keeping score of 2021 Halloween costumes?
'The Red-Pill Viking Douche' should be on that list.
— Abby (@abbythetweet) January 6, 2021
Watching the first episode of the new season of America, I'm not sure that the scriptwriters will be able to keep up this level for the whole season.
— Andrew Fraser (@Arfness) January 6, 2021
This lot look like a Scandinavian Eurovision entry.
— Just Ali (@Imnotfromsparks) January 6, 2021
— alex goldman (@AGoldmund) January 7, 2021
Possibly no greater tweet than this one from Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, who tweeted in Gretha Thunberg fashion:
I can assure you that my departure from office is going to be very boring.
— Angela Merkel (@Queen_Europe) January 6, 2021
Sadly, the Angela Merkel one i discovered a little later is from a parody account [the @ should be a clue!} but it is still so much of greatness…

What happened was not funny. It was absolutely terrifying. But it was not surprising to those of us who have watched the past four years play out and even the general story before then. The idea of a “Make America Great again!” slogan is completely flawed because America was never great in the first place – not for First Nations people who lived there, not for African Americans or refugees, not for Mexicans and various other countries America has had conflict with [directly or indirectly] and not for “Shithole countries” like South Africa which has often in so many ways taken its lead from this nation which we put on a pedestal as if they were somehow great and worth emulating.
We don’t take joy in what happened. We do hope that it opened eyes that needed to be open [but suspect many will remain shut as there are signs that this is already being blamed on antifa by some or played down by others – the Donald Trump video in which he told the mob to go home peacefully but also affirmed who they were and said he loved them was completely telling]. We hope, at the same time, that here in South Africa we can look in the mirror and know that a lot of what we witnessed echoed a lot of what is going on back at home [either out in the open or behind closed whatsapp messages].
Last night will be looked on as some kind of pivotal point in history and the next few days, months and years will determine just how much it meant. Here are some final tweets that give a range of different kinds of commentary on what happened:
Remember: white supremacy is not a shark. It is the water.
— Araya (@arayabaker) November 6, 2020
Cops are taking selfies with the terrorists.
— Timothy Burke (@bubbaprog) January 6, 2021
Can’t believe the creators of the monster have lost control of the monster, is there any precedent for this in books or film
— Dan Amira (@DanAmira) January 6, 2021
This one was so finely crafted:
Some of us are old enough to remember when peaceful Black Lives Matter protestors were tear gassed near the White House so that Trump could have his bible toting photo op. But today, this cabal is allowed to storm the House Chamber without resistance in an act of domestic terror.
— Patrick Gaspard (@patrickgaspard) January 6, 2021
White Privilege is being #allowed to storm the federal legislature of one of the most heavily policed countries in the world with no heavy-handed policing whatsoever, just vibes ✨
— Swiss Neutrality (@ashindestad) January 6, 2021
What is happening at the U.S. Capitol shows us what many marginalized people have known.
The biggest threat to White America was always from within.
— Karen Attiah (@KarenAttiah) January 6, 2021
I can't help wondering what black Americans must feel, watching white Americans literally commit treason, and they aren't shot. They don't have knees on their necks.
— A girl has no name (@LoudMouthedChic) January 6, 2021
It’s funny how the cops have no guns or aggression when the protestors are white. And how nobody is labeled an ‘animal’.
— Kirsty Bisset (@KirstyBisset) January 6, 2021
If the United States saw what the United States is doing in the United States, the United States would invade the United States to liberate the United States from the tyranny of the United States
— mohamad safa (@mhdksafa) January 6, 2021
And perhaps a good one to finish off with is this outside perspective summary of events:
Hollywood sold us exceptionalism. Reality is showing us otherwise.
— Wendy Tlou (@mswendyt) January 6, 2021
Was there a tweet you saw that i don’t have here that summed things up for you? Share the link in the comments below.
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