God stuff

why God doesn't suffer from amnesia

i was chatting to my buddy rob today about a talk he heard where the guy said ‘when God forgives your sin, He forgets about it completely and it’s like it never happened’ and i don’t think that’s precisely true. i think the point is that despite not forgetting about your sin (if God is all knowing then surely He still remembers that you did sin) He chooses to treat you and regard you as [...]

By |2010-02-12T06:51:22+02:00February 12th, 2010|God stuff|1 Comment

how about we start starting when…

'The entire nation of Israel operated on a Sunday to Friday calendar. Saturday was the Sabbath - no work, no play, and no good works. Saturday was the holy day, and all who would give homage and honour to God would keep the Sabbath holy. Right out of the gate, the church moved the holy day to Sunday. On the Sabbath, Jesus was still dead. On Sunday, He rose from the dead. I have to [...]

By |2010-02-02T07:30:01+02:00February 2nd, 2010|church, God stuff|0 Comments

Oikos – greek for 'tall semi-wild mocha please'

so this morning we had an Oikos gathering at Seattle coffee shop in Century City where all good Oikos gatherings happen - basically the idea is for an informal setting for people passionate about Jesus (yet maybe not so passionate about church or struggling with church in its current form and style) to have a space to talk openly about loving God and loving people and struggles with church and new exciting books or ideas [...]

By |2010-01-30T11:41:55+02:00January 30th, 2010|change the world, church, God stuff, life|0 Comments

no aye for an knife

i attended a funeral last nite for one of my ex youth guys (well a pre-funeral actually as the funeral is on saturday but this was called a 'roer diens?' or something and was an opportunity to celebrate his life and give testimony) who was stabbed to death on the weekend tbV and i were two of about 4 white people in a hall filled with coloured people fromJamestown where he lived and where it [...]

By |2010-01-28T03:25:36+02:00January 28th, 2010|God stuff, life, love and chocolate|0 Comments

your wealth is my poverty but his just getting by

do you see yourself as rich? i would imagine probably not if i had to put myself on a wealth scale i would probably rate myself as below average i would compare myself to the people i know who have so much more than me - own houses, better cars, holiday house, huge screen television, able to fly overseas on holiday (or even have lavish comfortable holidays here), more impressive toys and so on would [...]

By |2010-01-27T07:08:12+02:00January 27th, 2010|God stuff, life, people|1 Comment

far from God but God from far

so i have been feeling quite far or distant from God for quite a while – for the second half of last year it was cos i was caught up in sin and most particularly time wastage but i sorted that out – confessed and made right with God, and people – just before Summer Camp - and have been trying to get into a place of spending more time seeking God and resting in [...]

By |2010-01-26T05:54:06+02:00January 26th, 2010|God stuff, life|0 Comments

I wish you were dead (part II)

it is important for us to realise just how insulting and offensive the son’s attitude towards his father is, because otherwise we will never fully ‘get’ just how incredibly over-the-top ludicrously insane the father’s response is. the father hands over to his son the inheritance (and if it is half of everything he owns then it must be at cost to him and to his lifestyle and comfort/luxury) and the sons heads off and wastes [...]

By |2010-01-24T05:20:17+02:00January 24th, 2010|God stuff, life, love and chocolate|0 Comments

i wish you were dead (part I)

“Sometimes i wish i was dead. Wait, not me, you.” [Jack Handey] ah, one of my most favourite darker deep thorts by JH. and never true in my life in that i ever wished someone else was dead but on thursday nite i did want to walk down into the audience and slap a few people in the head (i didn’t!) i was asked to provide some entertainment at a herschel-and-other-schools christian union pizza and [...]

By |2010-01-24T04:54:53+02:00January 24th, 2010|God stuff, life, people, shtupidt people|0 Comments

what if Jesus meant all that stuff?

this is an article/letter by one of my modern day heroes - a guy called shane claiborne who wrote one of my top three books 'The Irresistible Revolution' which was basically a search for any Christians who actually believed and lived out the stuff of the Bible - highly recommended if you have not read it yet - and who i got to hang out with for a bit at a surfers conference two years [...]

By |2010-01-18T21:08:10+02:00January 18th, 2010|church, God stuff, life|0 Comments

the irrelevance of standing under a chocolate.

i don't understand chocolate - i know something about cocoa beans but that's about it - possibly a glass and a half of milk in certain brands and a handful of raiSINs in other overly disobedient and retarded versions - and a bunch about it liking to stick around and be an accessory to your body long after the eating date (friends with unbenefits?) and also that when it goes white it is old (if [...]

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