Hashtag Game

A Frikkin Hashtag: #WhoReallyLetTheDogsOutAndWhy

In the year 2000 the Baha Men released one of the catchiest songs ever. With the chorus posing that existential question: Who let the dogs out? Who? Who? Who? Who? And we never received the answer. 16 years later and i was still feeling a little short-changed by that whole thing, so i decided to turn to the Twittererverse for some answers. And you brought it! Joining forces with my old Twitterer 'Nemesis' and friend [...]

A Frikkin Hashtag: #UnlikelyOscarCombos

Let's be honest... neither Sylvester Stallone nor Arnold Schwarzenegger are going to be nominated for an Oscar for appearing in a Wes Anderson movie. Quentin Tarentino is NOT going to receive an Oscar for any kind of Disney Kids movie type thing. And Adam Sandler? Well let's just stop right there. For last week's game, we thought it would be fun to take a little bit of time imagining some Oscar combos that were very [...]

A Frikkin Hashtag: #ImprovedMovieTaglines

This week's game focused on movies with #ImprovedMovieTaglines and with Christine Wonders [aka @googlegirl98] and Portmanteau Jones [aka @SadlyCatless] jumping in to perform co-hosting duties, we knew it was going to be a blast... and it was. Thank you to two wonderful, amazing and fun women who are kicking the butt cheeks of the Twitterer in the absolute best of ways. Was great to have you on board... MEET THE CO-HOSTS: Twitterer's Portmanteau Jones (@SadlyCatless) is a [...]

By |2016-02-08T09:03:28+02:00February 8th, 2016|AFrikkinHashtag, fun, games & Stuff, Hashtag Game, silly things|0 Comments

A Frikkin Hashtag: #ForYourBirthdayI

Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later as i have been flying high with @AFrikkinHashtag since i started hosting the games. But this game bummed me out. And it was my birthday. So not the best of presents... or presence, really. Sorry, community, but you can do better. With the advantage of hindsight i can see why this went badly, but i certainly didn't see it going in and despite inviting people to [...]

A Frikkin Hashtag: #ConfusingProverbs

So i had a week off with some visiting friends to go on a road trip and visit the Kruger National Park and we saw some crazy amazing animal sights… but i also missed all of you and so am super ready to dive back into this week’s game… [And with tomorrow being my birthday there is […]

A Frikkin Hashtag: #UnlikelySuperheroAndSidekick

Another week, another great Hashtag game. For those of you who play, which is made easier on the @HashtagRoundup app, you might find it gets a little monotonous, especially around holiday times. With something like 50 different game tags a week on the app it is hard to stay original and set your games apart. But so far i think i’ve been able to do that which means typically it feels like a bit of a [...]

A Frikkin Hashtag: #YodaSpeakASaying

Last week on @AFrikkinHashtag… With Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens smashing all kinds of records across the world, we decided we needed to get in on the action and so along with good friend slash evil Twitterer nemesis @KeshaTedder and her tag-teag-tagger buddy Brandon aka @theclobra we decided to play a game of #YodaSpeakASaying: […]

A Frikkin Hashtag: #TongueTwistACeleb

We all remember Tom Cruise jumping up and down on Oprah’s couch going a little gaga over Dawson and Pacey’s former girlfriend. But imagine if we could remember that scene in a way that didn’t quite roll off the tongue. Something like: Cruise crashes after crouching on couch creating chaos. Gives it a little more zing, right? Which is why i thought it was time to take @AFrikkinHashtag to the next level and really engage [...]

By |2015-12-14T07:31:15+02:00December 14th, 2015|AFrikkinHashtag, fun, games & Stuff, Hashtag Game, silly things|2 Comments

Hashtag Games: The History

Every Wednesday i host an event on The Twitterer called a Hashtagging game. More specifically my game is called @AFrikkinHashtag and it is a lot of fun. And if you download the FREE @HashtagRoundup App then you can play it and a whole host of other games like it as well. Hundreds of people from around the world jump on  board, usually for an hour or two and try to come up with suggestions to a fun [...]

A Frikkin Hashtag: #DescribeAFoodToAnAlien

We all know what milk is, what a hot dog tastes like and that you never dip fish fingers into custard. [Well unless you’re THAT guy!] But what if you were a creature from another planet and had just arrived on earth. Would it seem weird that people were drinking the stuff that came out of the dangly bits of a cow? […]

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