

"i believe Lord, help me overcome my unbelief." [Mark 9.24] a verse i am really drawn to in the Bible that falls nicely alongside my life themesong of 'there must be more than this' - the knowledge that God can do it, but will He choose to...? and the other day, altho it's not very CC (Christianly Correct) as i lay with my wife crying out in immense pain with the hugest of mammoth headaches [...]

By |2009-12-26T07:10:17+02:00December 26th, 2009|God stuff, life, the beautiful Val (tbV)|0 Comments

love your wife… and get caught!

i remember some kids song that went 'love your neighbour as you love yourself, oh-oh love your neighbour, but don't get caught' and thinking as i write that, i may very well have added the 'don't get caught' on to what was a nice kiddies song of which i still have the tune playing in my head... so maybe scrap that... but it brings to mind the one thing that is hugely on my mind [...]


I finished reading 'Mister God, this is Anna', on the weekend and REALLY enjoyed it a lot. Has a tendency to get a bit new age all-roads-leads-to-God in some of its murmurings but part from those there is some very solid God truth hidden amongst the pages and a jolly good read... Mister God, this is Anna – Fynn (pg 180) ‘Then she went on: “Why do we go to church, Fynn?” “To understand Mister [...]

By |2009-12-22T07:13:50+02:00December 22nd, 2009|church, God stuff, life, relationships|0 Comments

free, free, i'm free…

arr, so last nite of crew before baptist summer camp 1 (1000ish young people) arrive and my friend Craig Fincham leads a devotion/crew-building moment and confesses some stuff to the team and God who has been loudly whispering (well i have been incessantly converting His calls to a whisper so as not to pay too much attention to them) to me decides this is a moment of truth (MOT) moment to SCREAM at me - [...]

By |2009-12-22T07:11:49+02:00December 22nd, 2009|God stuff, life, relationships, sport and games|0 Comments

exits strategy

i don’t understand existers. you know, people who exist. who go thru the motions. have a job, maybe have a family, have some kind of church life (or not) but that’s it. no huge hunger for more – meaning of life – changing the world – world domination (in my case, for Jesus) – adding to someone, or some community’s life or meaning. it’s like they don’t even care. How do you not even care? [...]

By |2009-11-26T05:55:03+02:00November 26th, 2009|God stuff, life, people|0 Comments

the shiny colour and disease that is red

i have a friend called Roy (or Conrad Roy) he is one of the new students who was in our church enGAGE this year and is now part of our leadership team for next year i really like Roy, for a number of reasons: he says ‘awesome’ a lot. now i don’t like it when people say ‘awesome’ a lot because i personally have reserved the word ‘awesome’ for God cos it seems a travesty [...]

By |2009-11-24T09:02:03+02:00November 24th, 2009|life, people, relationships, sport and games|1 Comment

the biggerest loser

So this last week we played Settlers (card/board game similar to but better than Risk for the uninitiated) 3 times and i didn’t win any of the games... two of them were extremely frustrating cos of the nature of the games where i was totally taken down by the dice throws or lack thereof and in fact during the one i went thru a run of 13 dice throws and only picked up once (which [...]

By |2009-11-22T21:48:43+02:00November 22nd, 2009|life, relationships, sport and games|0 Comments

brett i-whinehouse

My name is brett and i’m a whiner. “Hi Brett!” And it’s not cool. And i’m really trying to change, and it usually manifests in games [Settlers of Catan largely, occasionally Scrabble or Rage, sometimes hockey...]. And it’s usually justified situationally. For example Settlers last night which is a Risk-type (but much, much better) strategy game, where i started with a vengeance and everyone including myself thort i was going to dominate and then i [...]

By |2009-11-18T05:20:23+02:00November 18th, 2009|life, relationships|0 Comments

Unless You Cell Everything.

So this morning i was at a pastor’s breakfast and we were having a time of worship singing and some dude left the meeting to go and answer his cellphone and it brought back one of my favourite grinds to axe. I don’t know why i seemingly feel so proportionately huge on this issue where most other people in my experience don’t but for me it is one of the most offensive and rudest things... [...]

By |2009-11-13T11:40:12+02:00November 13th, 2009|life|1 Comment

hey ho, hey ho…

so this morning i had an early breakfast with some good mates and then headed home but unfortunately picked the busy intersection of cars heading off to work and so had to wait til the traffic cop directed me through. i had a lot of fun. It was incredible seeing someone so obviously enjoying their job or task at hand. cos think about it for a second. he’s a traffic cop. he’s directing impatient people [...]

By |2009-11-04T06:19:13+02:00November 4th, 2009|life|0 Comments
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