
A Frikkin Hashtag: #YouMustPayBack

In South Africa, the refrain "You must pay back the money!" has been a common one over the last few years. It refers to our state president, Jacob Zuma, and a criminal amount of tax-payers money that was used to update his private residence including a million rand amount that was used for the swimming pool which they then claimed was a "Firepool" in case the house caught fire. This is now a national in-joke [...]

By |2016-10-07T08:23:26+02:00October 7th, 2016|activities, AFrikkinHashtag, games & Stuff, Hashtag Game|2 Comments

A Frikkin Hashtag: #MoreAccurateNameFor

Yes, we all know they are gloves, but if we were more honest with ourselves we'd all be calling them Finger Pants, right? This week we decided to take a look at some more accurate names for everyday things that we know and love... [The Story So Far: Every Wednesday at 12 noon South African time [6am EDT] an inspired and growing number of brilliant, creative and absolutely fun people from all around the world take part [...]

A Frikkin Hashtag: #YourHonestTwitterBio

So i've been sick and away and so this one is a little bit late, but herein lies the flop for the Honest Twitterer Bio... It was an absolute pleasure having Mistress Indistarr with us as co-host and she did an amazing job: @indistarr The focus of this week was to come up with a more accurate and honest Bio for your [or someone else's] Twitterer page. For example i wrote one for [...]

A Frikkin Hashtag: #IWillTellMyGrandchildrenAboutTheTime

What stories will you be telling your grandchildren? [The Story So Far: Every Wednesday at 12 noon South African time [6am EDT] an inspired and growing number of crazy people from all around the world take part in what is called a Hashtag game. @AFrikkinHashtag [say it out loud] is South Africa’s #1 Hashtag game and is always a lot of fun. The F.L.O.P. [or Fish List Of Prizeworthyness] is the collection of some of [...]

A Frikkin Hashtag: #MyUnOlympicEventWouldBe

What would YOUR UnOlympic event be? [The Story So Far: Every Wednesday at 12 noon South African time [6am EDT] an inspired and growing number of crazy people from all around the world take part in what is called a Hashtag game. @AFrikkinHashtag [say it out loud] is South Africa’s #1 Hashtag game and is always a lot of fun. The F.L.O.P. [or Fish List Of Prizeworthyness] is the collection of some of the best [...]

By |2016-06-07T13:14:07+02:00June 7th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

A Frikkin Hashtag: #AutocorrectASentence

Ever have a bad autocorrect moment? You meant to type, "Hey that felt a little mean" and autocorrect changes it to "You stupid cow, you ruined my life." Happens to all of us. Hopefully we catch most of them before we hit send, but with the busyness and rush of life a lot of them escape our attention before it's too late. But the Internet remembers... and so we decided to have some fun with that [...]

A Frikkin Hashtag: #LetMeImproveYourDayBy

Another Wednesday, another Hashtag game... well hopefully not just another hashtag game - we continue to do everything we can to make @AFrikkinHashtag stand out as a game that has that little bit of its own flavour and it's all of you that make that possible. This week my co-host, the incredible Kathleen Adams aka @KattFunny [and i'm not just saying that - take five minutes and go and read her incredible story of recovery [...]

A Frikkin Hashtag: #PunYourJob

Last week we had a Hashtag game crew of note. i invited a number of past co-hosts and regulars to join me in the mix and be part of the informal promoting of the game and they really rocked up in fine fashion and helped catapult the game into the stratosphere. And it really did fly. #3 hashtag USA #PunYourJob @afrikkinhashtag @BrettFishA — Hashtag Roundup (@HashtagRoundup) March 23, 2016 And for the second time ever [...]

By |2016-03-29T12:31:57+02:00March 29th, 2016|AFrikkinHashtag, games & Stuff, Hashtag Game, silly things|1 Comment

A Frikkin Hashtag: #BonoSearchUpdate

Has Bono still not found what he was looking for? With last week's #IWouldLikeToBeBetterAt greatness still ringing in our ears, we looked to the greatest rock band on earth [in my opinion, some of you clearly didn't think so, and let us know] for inspiration. Having played without a co-host i decided i needed to right that wrong and this week's host Danielle actually sent me a request asking if she could join me and as a first [...]

By |2016-03-08T14:32:25+02:00March 8th, 2016|AFrikkinHashtag, fun, Hashtag Game, humour'ish, silly things|0 Comments

A Frikkin Hashtag: #WhoReallyLetTheDogsOutAndWhy

In the year 2000 the Baha Men released one of the catchiest songs ever. With the chorus posing that existential question: Who let the dogs out? Who? Who? Who? Who? And we never received the answer. 16 years later and i was still feeling a little short-changed by that whole thing, so i decided to turn to the Twittererverse for some answers. And you brought it! Joining forces with my old Twitterer 'Nemesis' and friend [...]

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