Deep Dive Dinner

Deep Dive Conversation at St Johns

Last night we hosted another Deep Dive Conversation Dinner, this time at someone else's house. This was a dinner that has been in the planning for months and one that i've been super excited and anticipationary about. Getting some leaders from St Johns Anglican church [where i currently hang out and am preaching on Sunday in the am actually if you want to come and hear!] to meet around food and conversations about race, with [...]

#NotOnOurWatch: Who it’s for.

For months i've been speaking about the idea of #NotOnOurWatch as a movement worth joining. i know a lot of people have been challenged by that and in their own ways are joining in [i know because i am having conversations with some of them and assume there are a lot more] But i think it's helpful to clarify something. Just read an article that suggested calling someone racist isn't helpful at all in terms [...]

The Other Paper Game

So there is the OTHER paper game… you know the one i mean? One of the best big group games, four rounds, Pictionary then One Word clues then Actionary then hiding-behind-the-couch-with-just-your-hands-over-the-top-giving-the-clues raucous LOLlified comedy? Well THIS is the other one to that. And it’s not technically a game, but more of a How To Enhance A Mealtime or Hangout That Otherwise Might Have Been Somewhat Random or Less Significant. […]

By |2015-12-26T06:52:27+02:00December 26th, 2015|activities, inspire-ations|1 Comment
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