Juliet Paulse

Life during Lockdown: Meet Juliet Paulse

Continuing with our stories and reflections from people describing their life during lockdown experience. Yesterday we heard from Debbie Hutton and today we are moving on to my friend Juliet: My Name is Jules (Juliet) and I am a lover of Jesus and people and currently an extrovert potentially transitioning into an introvert.  [1] My experience of lockdown so far? My experience during lockdown has had its good days and not so good days. [...]

By |2020-04-29T17:08:54+02:00April 28th, 2020|South Africa, stories|0 Comments

Taboo Topics: Race – What I would love my white friends to hear – Meet Juliet Paulse

Growing up in Cape Town in a largely coloured area, the perceptions about white and black people were always negative. So naturally I took that on as the norm (as that was my context). I was only in high school when I was first exposed to white folks. All my teachers were white and they knew everything and seem to have everything. I basically unconsciously just ended up assimilating into that thinking that white must [...]

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