perfectly flawed

Spread Love Challenge

So i was nominated for this Spread Love Challenge by TheFabLetters which is this super interesting blog i stumbled on a short while ago where two women write letters to each other which become the premise of the blog posts. Some really good stuff there. The Rules: Write ten four word sentences about what love means to you. Share your favorite quote on love. Nominate ten other bloggers for the same. Now normally i wouldn't be [...]

Taboo Topics: Porn part II: The 'How' of my Freedom by Bek Curtis

We met Bek Curtis last week and she has kindly agreed to let me post her follow-up to the post she shared with us  on her struggles with and victory over Pornography. So here is a repost of her unplanned part II, titled 'The 'How' of Freedom': I find myself writing once again on the topic of pornography, and once again writing with reluctance, fueled this time by different motivators. I had a few people [...]

Taboo Topics: Porn part II: The ‘How’ of my Freedom by Bek Curtis

We met Bek Curtis last week and she has kindly agreed to let me post her follow-up to the post she shared with us  on her struggles with and victory over Pornography. So here is a repost of her unplanned part II, titled 'The 'How' of Freedom': I find myself writing once again on the topic of pornography, and once again writing with reluctance, fueled this time by different motivators. I had a few people [...]

Taboo Topics: Porn – meet Bek Curtis

This is a repost of a blog by permission which was originally posted on her blog, 'Perfectly Flawed' - meet Bek Curtis: Lust. Sex. Porn. If those words made you squirm, you may not want to read ahead. Likewise, if you’re of the prudish variety, because here I openly, albeit reluctantly, share with you my experience of, and thoughts on, pornography. Reluctant, because people can be jerks. Some people refuse to see the transformational work of [...]

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